Chapter Three

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As soon as Schoolteacher told us to begin, I paused a moment, before opening the puzzle up. It was a standard crossword. Not too hard. The only problem was the time limit.

I scanned through the different questions for a moment, before taking the obvious ones first. I was fortunately a quick writer.

I looked up for a moment, and noticed that Schoolteacher was staring at me. He looked away, however, once he saw that I acknowledged his presence.

I then took into account how they were testing us; observing our strategies, watching our logic.

I decided to tread carefully for the four harder questions that I had left. Trying to make the impression that I knew what I was doing, I jotted little notes next to each one. In doing so, I filled out a few.

Finally, two more remained. I had no idea how much time passed by, and the others were all working. I could see little beads of perspiration on some foreheads.

I was starting to feel a bit of nervousness creep along the back my neck. 'Oh shut up', I told myself 'Keeping your cool is vital to success.'

Around ten seconds later, which felt like half an hour, I finished. I saw that Schoolteacher was conversing with another man, probably some coworker. If you would consider the factor of his definite lower intelligence a "coworker".

Not wanting to make a sound if I could avoid it, I cautiously raised my hand.

Schoolteacher gave me his equivalent of a shocked look, one I knew he didn't use often. I walked up to him calmly, and held my puzzle out.

"You finished?" He asked incredulously.

I gave him a curt nod. He checks his watch. "Five minutes, thirty-four seconds."

I gave him another nod. "You said to do it in under six."

"And it's nearly six now. Just how many people do you see are finished?"

I looked over my shoulder. I saw no one. Their breathing was faster, no doubt their nerves elevated, as they tried to finish with the precious seconds left.

"Who exactly are you, sir?" I asked him, looking directly at him in the eye.

He furrowed his eyebrows, almost...curious.

He finally spoke after what felt like an eternity. "Alan Turing. Now please return to your seat, Mr. Harding."

The second I sat down, Mr. Turing clapped once and said, "Time is up, gentlemen! Please turn your papers in, and if I call your name, you will leave, for we will have no further use for you. Maybe you could work in a radio factory of some sort." The man next to Mr. Turing smirked at his last comment. Could that possibly have something to do with the job?

I started drumming my fingers on my pants, a habit that I often carry out when I'm in suspense. I had absolutely no idea whether I would get further.

Going Light Speed (An Imitation Game Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz