chapter 1: "It's a deal then?"

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Alastor was laying in a forest in a puddle of his own blood, he knew he shouldn't have been out during the extermination but he needed to make sure his contracts at his radio tower wouldn't be destroyed, but it's too late now for he was laying in the grass dying from his own foolishness

"Now it looks like the infamous Radio demon is dying how.. unpleasant"

The Deer demon heard a voice from beside his body. He opened his eyes to see a demon in a white suit with a hat that had a snake and apple on it. He knew immediately who it was, it was Lucifer. Had he come to see the Infamous Radio demon die slowly In a puddle of blood, for the Radio demon he didn't care he just wanted to live and escape he second death.

Alastor closed his eyes for it was to draining to even keep them open but he tried to speak.


"Well it seems the Demon knows who I am, well let's make a deal shall we"

Alastor opened his eyes and looked at Lucifer confused, what did the king of hell want from the dying Deer demon. Was he looking for a new toy to mess with.

"So you want a deal then, so I will heal you but in return"

Alastor couldn't focus on what the king said after, he just nodded.

"It's a deal then?"

Alastor nodded and held out his hand not knowing who he had to do but all he cared about was healing from this gash in his chest and the spear in his abdomen. Alastor soon blacked out from the amount of pain he was in and from the loss of blood.

Alastor soon awoke in an unfamiliar room, he saw that he didn't have his coat or shirt on but there, in its place, was bandages. He sat up and looked around the room. He was in a dark red room with a carpet floor with the designs of a snake twirling around trees that held apples. On the walls was a gold pattern of apples that went all along the top of the walls. In the corner of the room was a desk that had an old fashioned radio and a small mirror. the bed he was sitting on had a red comforter and golden sheets, the bed was a king sized one.

"Awake I see, I hoped you slept comfortably"

Lucifer stepped forward from a dark corner of the room. He was wearing the same outfit of a white suit and a hat with a snake and apple on it although the suit did have blood on his sleeves and chest.

He did infact sleeped well and comfortably. But he was still confused why Lucifer helped him though. 

"I indeed"

Alastor voices cracked with radio static as he normally would. But the radio overlay of his voice wasnt as strong since he didn't have his staff.

"That's wonderful to hear, would you like to talk about the deal over breakfast, since I know you didn't pay attention"

"Yes I would like to talk about the deal"

"Well you got some clothes in the bathroom waiting for you so go ahead and do a quick wash up while I get the maids to make breakfast"

Alastor nods as Lucifer walked out of the room. He himself got up and walked to the door the led to the bathroom. He opened the door and entered, he locked the door and went to the shower.

The bathroom was bigger than he expected since it had two bathtubs, a toilet, and two sinks with mirrors. He turned the water for the bath in and waited for the steaming hot water to fill the tub up.

After he stopped the water and took he clothes off, he entered the bath. While sitting alone he pondered in the thought.
"Why did the devil save him, what was his plans for me, and what was the deal about"
He thought about this until and knock on the bathroom door startled him

"Mister Radio demon, breakfast is done and is ready for you and your highness in the garden"

"Please just call me Alastor, and thank you for telling me"

"Your welcome mister Radi- I mean mister Alastor"

Alastor got up and let the water drain. He went and grabbed a towel, he dried himself off still pondering. he looked at the clothes Lucifer had for him. It was white and red suit that didn't match Alastor himself but he went ahead and put it on

He opened the bathroom door and walked to the door of his room. He sighed and opened the door, he didn't know what was going to happen now.

(The end to chapter one. MWHAHAHAH CLIFT HANGER)

"l-lucifer?" (Alastor X Lucifer)*DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now