chapter 5: time flies

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It's been a year since Lucifer saved Alastor from the brink of death. Alastor really appreciated him for saving him but hates the fact that he can't do anything after a certain time.

Alastor is still confused on the fact of why Lucifer actually saved him since he knows it isn't because he can't convince Charlie to stop but that doesn't matter now since his original objective was changed after Lilith came and scolded him. So In the end he is just wondering why Lucifer can't do it himself and get rid of him.

*At the hotel*

Alastor was in the main room helping Niffty with the daily chores and occasionally making an old timey joke or pun. That's when he got whif of Charlie talking to someone on the phone. 'Looks like we're having a guest' Alastor thought to himself.

Alastor appeared behind Charlie and Vaggie.

A:"Well, if we're having a guest then we should tidy up this hotel!"

There was a shriek from both Charlie and Vaggie.

V:"DONT EVER scare us like that Alastor"

C:"yea please don't, but yea my father is coming over so please help make this hotel look clean"

Alastor paused at those words. He was wondering why Lucifer was coming over.


C:"Alastor you there?"


Alastor began to order husk and niffty along with the others to help tidy this place up since the king of hell is coming over.

Alastor went to the kitchen and began cooking some-

(you know what it is 😉

it starts with a j


Jambalaya. While the Jambalaya was on the stove cooking he began to cut some apples.

A while later the Jambalaya was done and the apple pie was in the oven baking. When there was a knock on the door Charlie opened it and greeted, her dad, Lucifer.

Once the pie was done he put it on the counter to cool and started making bowls of Jambalaya for everyone in the hotel.

Once everyone else met Lucifer Alastor had to pretend to not know Lucifer and had a small fight that included a quick song with Mimzy coming and sliding into the hotel.

Once everyone settled down at the table they started eating. Lucifer looked very energetic after seeing the apple pie.

After dinner and the dessert the day went by slowly. towards the end they were at the hotel bar with some others like Angeldust and husk.

Lucifer kept on talking to the others and drinking what looked to be way too many apple martinis.

Now it was almost that time and Lucifer was drunk but sober enough to not do stupid things. Alastor stood up and started walking out of the hotel along with Lucifer.

They walked throughout pentagram city until they reached the palace. Once they entered they both walked together towards the same hallway.

Alastor also had a shot of hard liquor but only two shots so he wasnt drunk but was drowsy. Once they reached Alastor room Alastor opened the door and walked in but before he could do anything Lucifer grabbed him and bents him over to kiss him before realizing what happened and saying.

L:"s-sorry Alastor."

Alastor was absolutely stunned and was angry but he didn't know what to do since if he attacked like he would usually do he would be killed. That's when he noticed he was blushing way to much. He literally looked like a strawberry.

Alastor quickly shut and door and sat on his bed. His mind was swirling he couldn't focus on any thought in his mind, he was just stuck on the fact that Lucifer kissed him and worst he kinda liked it.

Lucifer was gone by now. Once he calmed down he laid in his bed and tried to sleep to forget what happened but he couldn't fall asleep because of the thought.

He turned on some jazz to try and drown out his thoughts and it worked slightly enough that he finally fell asleep after many hours of not being able to fall asleep.

"l-lucifer?" (Alastor X Lucifer)*DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now