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"She's a freak."
"I know. I heard she doesn't have parents. They grew her in a test tube and incubated her on one of those creepy glass cylinders like you see in the alien movies."
I gripped my food tray as tight as I could to distract my natural instinct to bash the younger recruits in the head for spitting ridiculous stories about me. I was warned that would happen as more and more recruits arrived and stayed at our base. The place I've called home for the last however many years I've been alive (I'm not sure. We don't do birthdays here). But if I had to guess I would be in my mid to late teen years so anywhere from 16 to 19. I slammed my tray on the table in front of me and the room got quiet.
"Recruit Zero, front and center!"
I rolled my eyes and Stood up. I would pay for the lack of control later in one of my training sessions but for now it was time for my yearly shot. I walked over to the person in the white lab coat and just let my head roll to the right. The needle didn't hurt anymore. Nothing did.
"Now…zero you need to control yourself better. I know this is new for all of us so it will take some time to get used to. Now go back to your seat."
I looked straight ahead and asked "Can I just leave? We both know I don't really need food."
Without a word he just nodded and I went back to my dorm. I shut the door and sighed. I know  it was going to take time sharing the Underground with so many people but I was told it would be good for me to learn how to blend into crowds or whatever they said. But something told me that the other 'Students' really didn't know why they were there. They were in for a shock once they found out. I remembered when I was old enough to comprehend life and death and that was a lesson that I couldn't forget.

(13 years earlier)

I was asked to go to the training rooms. My little six year old brain didn't even question it. Even though it was near midnight and I should be in bed since it was past my curfew. I walked to the training area and pushed the heavy door open and saw someone tied to a chair in the middle of the room. I looked around and saw the man who 'raised' me at the other end of the room. Before I could ask what was going on he said "Walk up to the table Zero."
I walked up to the table that was chest high and said "Why is it filled with dangerous things?"
"Pick one."
I looked at the weapons and picked up a knife. It was small enough to fit in my hands and light enough for me to lift.
"You see that man in the middle of the room?"
I nodded.
"Go up to him and use the knife on him."
I looked up at him like he was nuts.
"Won't that hurt him?"
"That's the point Zero."
I shook my head and set the knife back on the table.
"No thank you."
He shook his head and came over to me. He picked up the knife and said "Do it!"
"I don't wanna!"
He made a growling sound and said "Either use it or I will."
He held it out to me handle first and I shook my head.
He spun around and sent the dagger into the man's chest but not without cutting my face a bit. I screamed and tried to run somewhere. Anywhere was better than that room.
"I see we didn't touch your empathy receptors. We'll have to fix that."
I shook my head and said "I-I don't want to go back to the tube!"
He ignored me and walked out the door. I felt hands underneath my shoulders and was picked up into the doctor's arms. I shook my head and kept begging but my pleas fell on deaf ears and no one showed an ounce of empathy. I was thrown back into a tube and the lid was closed. Before I could scream out my protest again everything went black. I don't know if I passed out or if the room went completely dark but the next thing I remember is waking up in my bed and something felt off. Almost wrong. I was asked to go to the training area again and saw a woman  tied to a chair. It was familiar but it was also very…foreign. 
"Pick a weapon Zero."
I picked up a knife. 
"Use it."
Almost as if I knew what I had to do I automatically sent the knife into the woman's throat. Oddly enough the sound of her choking on her blood didn't scare me. I felt…nothing.
"Good. We'll work on clean kills as you get older but for your first time you did well.You can go back to your room."
I listened without a word and over the last few years I've been trained in every weapon that has ever existed and how to keep my kills clean. I knew their goal was to turn me into the perfect weapon and I had nothing to say about that. But honestly they created something they didn't have the means to stop.

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