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         I woke up early and did my morning workouts. I might be 'free' but that doesn't mean I'm in the clear. I still had to keep my skills sharp and be on the lookout. I walked into the kitchen and saw the woman walking around. I watched her quietly and she noticed me a minute later. 
"Oh! Good morning dear."
I offered a fake smile and said "Good morning."
"How did you sleep?"
She nodded and said "Well it looks like you could use some coffee."
I watched as she grabbed a jar off the counter and opened it. It smelled amazing! I walked over to her and watched as she put the brown powder into a machine. Soon the small house smelled like heaven!
"What is that?"
"Coffee? What's coffee?"
She looked at me like I was an alien. For all she knew I was.
"You've never heard of coffee before?"
I shook my head and said "Where I grew up we didn't have stuff like this."
"Oh! Didn't you grow up in a commune?"
I just nodded. I'll let her think that.
"Oh. Well then we'll start you off slow. Half a cup with some cream and sugar."
"Oh dear. You have a lot to learn."
She poured the brown liquid into a cup and added white liquid and powder. She stirred it and handed me the cup.
"Careful it's hot."
I took the cup and took a sip. It was amazing. I chugged it and said "More please?"
She chuckled and said "I think that's enough for now. Too much coffee will make you hyper and jittery."
I felt…disappointed? That was new.
"Let's head down to the shop.You can look around while I get the window fixed. Okay?"
She looked down at my arm and looked confused.
"Weren't you injured last night?"
I shook my head and said "Small injuries."
We went down to the shop. As she talked to the repair man I walked around the shop.
'What's this?'
I picked up a candy bar.
"What's got your attention?"
I looked at the woman and said "What's this?"
I held up the bar and she said "It's chocolate."
"Yes. It's a delicious treat. It's made of cocoa beans, sugar-."
She opened it and said "Try it.You'll like it."
I tried it and once again was in heaven!
"Whoa, slowly dear. We don't want you to get sick."
Sick? I don't ever remember being sick. I kept looking around and came across bright yellow squares in a package. I picked up the package and said "What are these?"
The woman walked over and said "Pads."
"What are they used for?"
"For your period. You put them in your underwear to catch the blood."
I looked at her and asked "What's a period?"
She looked shocked.
"You don't know what a period is?"
I shook my head.
"No one ever taught you what a period was? How have you made it this long without knowing? How have you dealt with yours?"
"What is it?"
She explained the basics and I said "I've never had one of those before."
I shrugged.
"We need to get you checked out at the clinic to make sure you're okay."
I shook my head. As you can imagine getting checked out by doctors wasn't on my radar. I was trying to avoid any medical facility at all times for the rest of my life.
"Okay. No doctor."
She showed me how to stock shelves and how to clean. I nodded and she said "Oh…I forgot to get your name dear."
Shit! I never thought that far ahead. I honestly didn't think I would get this far. 
"It's Lilly."
"Lilly.That's a lovely name."
"Thank you."
I kept my head down and my senses open. I could be out of this building and halfway down the block in seconds if I had to be.

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