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I opened my eyes and smelled smoke.
'What is going on?'
I stood up and opened my door. 
'There's a fire.'
I shut my door and reached under my bed. I had a getaway bag hidden just in case. Filled with weapons, food and a nice chunk of money I had managed to steal from everyone over the years. I put the bag on my back and opened the door again. The hallway was clear and I walked over to the window. I looked around and found a chair. I picked it up and threw it at the window which broke immediately. I looked out the window and sighed. Of course it was a ten story drop. I would survive but…it wouldn't be pretty. I backed up against the far wall and took a running head start. I landed seconds later and rolled to absorb the impact to my body. Instead of assing my injuries I took off running in a random direction.I wasn't going to stick around long enough for someone to notice that I wasn't in sight of any of the staff members and I really wasn't going to wait to be noticed.

(six hours later)  

I finally stopped and took a break. The training at least helped me with my stamina. I saw a dim light a couple hundred feet away and decided to check it out. It was a small building. I peered in through the window and saw first aid supplies, food, and other things that might benefit me. I didn't know where I was going or where I even was but I needed to get as far away as possible. I tried the door and it was locked. I sighed and said nothing. I moved my hand and felt something wet drip down my  arm. I looked over and saw I was bleeding. One of the down sides of never feeling pain but I knew if I didn't take care of it soon it was going to get infected. I used my bag and broke the glass. I went straight to the first aid and grabbed a bottle of proxide. Ist down and took a deep breath. This was going to make such a mess but it had to be done. I poured it on my cut up arm. I bit my lip as I felt it burn a little bit. Didn't really hurt but it felt like the right thing to do. Most of my reactions to pain, fear or anything like that was purely instinct. I felt no pain over anything. It was just something I was trained to do just in case I was ever caught so I didn't seem like a phycopath. Which honestly isn't that far off considering I would kill you without blinking. I wasn't paying attention for half a second and heard "Oh my!"
I looked over and saw a woman. She had to be in her mid to late forties with dark brown hair and honey colored eyes. I grabbed a knife and she turned the alarm off.  I watched her carefully.
"Are you okay?"
I looked at her and stood up.
"Don't move."
I held the knife out as she moved closer to me.
'Brave woman. She has almost earned my respect. Almost.'
I kept my guard up as she grabbed the open first aid kit at my feet. 
"Let me help you."
I glared at her and said "You don't even know me. Why do you want to help me?"
She smiled and it touched her eyes. It almost put me at ease and the feeling was…strange. I couldn't remember the last time I was comfortable around another person.
"Honey…you're injured. Let me help you."
I let her get close but kept the weapon ready. She held up the gauze and said "I'm just going to dry and wrap your cuts. Okay."
I nodded and watched her carefully. She touched my arm and I recoiled. No one had touched me in so long it was a creepy feeling.
"Hey. It's alright."
I carefully extended my arm again and she shook her head.
"You still have glass in your cuts.This is going to hurt a bit but it has to come out."
She grabbed a pair of tweezers and started pulling out the glass pieces. I didn't even flinch.
"How old are you?"
I looked at her like she had grown three heads and a tail.
"I don't know. Anywhere from 16 to 19."
She looked at me for a moment and said "Are you okay?"
"Yes. Why?"
She grabbed the guze and started to wrap my arm. 
"You look too young to be out here alone. Why don't you stay with me? I live above the shop, I have a spare room and I could use an extra pair of hands around here until you figure out your next move."
This woman just invited a soulless killer into her home and I had to commend her bravery. Also it would give me time to lay low and figure out a better plan since my main goal was just to get as far away from the Underground as possible. I nodded and she smiled.
"Good. Now it's very late. Let's get some sleep and we'll deal with everything else in the morning. How does that sound?"
I suddenly felt bone tired and nodded. We went upstairs and she showed me to what must have been the spare room.
"Here are some blankets and a pillow. We'll open the shop later than usual tomorrow since I have to have window repair come to fix my window."
I looked at her and said "I'm sorry I broke your window."
She waved away my half hearted apology and said "You were injured and had to be pretty desperate to break in so I can't hold it against you dear. Now get some rest and I'll see you in the morning."
She left and shut the door behind her. I sat on the bed and ran my fingers through my hair. 
'I can't get comfy. I need to figure out a plan and move on as soon as I can. I might even let this woman live.'  
I unwrapped the bandages and saw the cut was healed up completely. I guess it's one of the perks of being altered by the top scientists in the world. I laid back and pulled the blanket over me. I knew the odds of them coming after me tonight was very small but that doesn't mean they wouldn't come looking eventually.
'I can't get comfy. I need to figure out a plan and keep moving.'
I closed my eyes and fell into a semi-peaceful sleep.

Time To Get EvenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin