The Heat and Orange Juice

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"It's so hot."

That was the first thing that popped into Jae Hwa's mind the moment she stepped off the plane. Not about how close they are to the ocean, not about all the hot guys that's attending the camp with her (well, maybe she did took notice of the guys a little bit), just the heat.

It wasn't unbearable, but being an indoor-person, 32 degrees Celsius was already enough to make her wanting to crawl back in her bed and read some fanfic.

Jae Hwa grumpily drags herself and her suitcase up the gravel road that leads them all to the camp of Hell. Mingyu will definitely pay for making her come with him on this trip, which is not even "fun" yet. She mentally make a list of all the things she could have done if she had not agreed to Mingyu's stupid bet.

-Watch anime.
-Read manga.
-Research for more anime/manga.

Basically, she's a human-sloth hybrid.

Her train of thoughts was interrupted when Mingyu suddenly appear beside her.

"Hey bestie! You don't look very happy." He greets, smiling cheerfully at her.

Jae Hwa rolls her eyes at the boy, then tries to shrug his arms off her shoulder but ends up failing to do so. "I'm not happy because I don't want to be here. Now could you please take your arms off my shoulder?"

Mingyu smirks at her from above. "Aren't you thankful that I'm covering the sun for you? I'm such a good friend." He dramatically flips his bangs out of his face, earning some squeals from the girls.

"No thanks. There's a reason why I brought an umbrella with me." Jae Hwa retorted, popping open the said umbrella in Mingyu's face.

"You're always so mean to me, Jaenie-yah~" Mingyu whines, clinging onto her like a giant koala.

Jae Hwa was about to open her mouth to answer, but a loud throat clearing was heard at the front of the line.

"Attention ladies and gentlemen, this is Minseok speaking," says the tall male. "Welcome to Camp Sunshine. I hope that you all had a good flight. Jeju tends to be a bit hotter than other regions, so please remember to drink lots of water every day. We don't want any dehydrated children here."

He pauses a moment to scan the crowd. "We've send you all an email, and if you scroll to the bottom, you'll see that we have included a color dot. That color will indicate which group you're in. Now, if you're one of those people who doesn't read their entire email, you're lucky because our helpers here have created name tags for you all. There's also a colored sticker on it to tell you which group you're in."

"Please come to the table in the left if you're a lady and the table in the right if you're a guy. Your name tag should be on there."

Jae Hwa follows the group of excited looking girls toward the said destination. She lazily pick up her name tag and walk back to where Mingyu was waiting, but he was no longer alone.

"Mingyu-oppa! Please sign my shirt!"
"No, Mingyu-oppa, sign mine!"
"Mingyu-yah, you're so handsome~"

She let out a sigh. Poor Mingyu, always being bombarded by annoying girls. Can't they take the hint that he's not into their kind of species? He's gay, for starters.

"Oh hi, Jae Hwa. I didn't know that you were attending this as well." A voice says from beside her.

Ah, there he is. The guy that Mingyu keeps on blabbering about. What's his name again? Won something. Wonwoo.

"Hi Wonwoo. I didn't know that I was going to attend this either." She reply back.

Wonwoo grins at her. "Your comebacks are on point, as always."

He look around, but then frowns and looks back at her. "Why are you alone? Where's Mingyu?"

"What if Mingyu isn't here?" Jae Hwa questions, raising a brow.

Wonwoo's frown deepens. "Oh. Well, since you guys are always with each other and all, I thought that maybe he's also here..."

Is it just her, or does Wonwoo sound disappointed just now? Interesting. She should tell Mingyu about this later.

Jae Hwa let out a chuckle. Messing with this guy never gets old. "I'm just kidding. Mingyu is over there, if you're still wondering."

"Okay, thank you! See you later, Jae Hwa!" And off he go.

Jae Hwa crack a smile as she watches the boy desperately tries to break through the crowd of fangirls. Now that Wonwoo is gone, she wonders how the heck did he not see Mingyu when Mingyu towers over everybody else that's here. That boy is a freaking giraffe!

"Hi, would you like some orange juice?"

Her grin was still plastered on her face as she accepts the plastic cup that's filled to brim with orange juice. Whoever pour the juice must be a really generous person.

She began making her way toward the front, seeing that the crowd of girls have dispersed somewhat. Next thing that she knew, she had bumped into a figure that was suddenly pushed out in front of her.


Jae Hwa look up, only to be greet with a gigantic orange stain. Her eyes widen.

"I-I'm so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going! Are you okay? Are you hurt? Am I hurt...? No, I'm okay!" Jae Hwa starts rambling on and on, her eyes frantically dart from place to place, trying to find a certain giant that will hopefully save her from this situation.

"It's alright. It was my fault in the first place. I'm sorry." The victim finally speaks up.

Jae Hwa gawks at the boy, still in shock. He looks around her age, definitely taller than her by a few centimeters. He was a pretty boy for sure. Jae Hwa can't stop staring at his eyes. Those brown orbs seem to sparkle on its own account.

"Hello? Earth to Jae Hwa?" Mingyu's voice interrupted her daydreaming.

"Huh? Oh, Mingyu..." Jae Hwa says, finally looking away from the handsome male in front of her.

Mingyu scans the boy, his eyes stopping on the big spotch of orange that stood out like a sore thumb. He then grabs Jae Hwa's head, making her bow while he does the same. "Sorry for the inconvenience. This won't happen again."

The boy chuckles. "It's okay, you don't have to bow anymore."

"I'm really sorry..." Jae Hwa mumbles, looking at the ground.

"Joshua! How long are you going to stand there in that soaked shirt? Hurry up and go change, man!" Complained one of the boy's friend.

"I'll be there in a moment!" He yelled back.

Then he turns to Jae Hwa and smile at her. "Hope to see you around, Ms. Orange Juice."

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