The EX-girlfriends Club

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"Say, Joshua... There are a bunch of girls watch- no, glaring at you." Jae Hwa points out, sipping on her orange juice.

Joshua glance back once then immediately turn around. He smiles at Jae Hwa apologetically. "Sorry, those are my ex-girlfriends."

Mingyu raises both of his brows. "I'm confuse about the use of girlfriend in plural."

"They follow him everywhere. It's creepy." Chan, the youngest out of the bunch, comments. His fake a shiver, earning chuckles from the hyungs.

Jae Hwa didn't say anything else throughout the rest of dinner. So he dated before, huh. That just makes her sound even more like a loner she already is. Mingyu wordlessly pat her back encouragingly.

"I'll excuse myself now." She announces, standing up to clear away her plates.

"Bye, Jae Hwa!" They all chorus. Chan waves at her childishly. "Come sit with us again tomorrow, noona."

Jae Hwa let out a deep breath once she exits the dining area. She decides to head back to her cabin because she's too lazy to do anything else. However, a group of girls make her stop short before the entrance.

There were roughly about 5 girls, who all were dressed in little to no clothes. Jae Hwa wonders why they even bother to wear anything if that's what they call "clothes".

The girl in the middle strides over to Jae Hwa. She was chewing on her gum in an obnoxious manner. Her manicured nails stuck out to point at Jae Hwa. "You. What's your business with Joshua?"

"Why do you care what business I have with him?" Jae Hwa retorts.

Before the girl could reply, Jae Hwa quickly walk toward her door. "Move on, he's not your boyfriend anymore. And please move away from the door; you're in my way."

And that's how you end a conversation: a door slam in the face.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

For the past few days, Jae Hwa felt like someone is watching her. More like, multiple people are watching her.

When she's eating, they're watching. When she does activites, they're watching. When she goes to the ladies' room, they're watching. Especially when she talks to Joshua, she can literally feel their hatred glares burning through her soul.

"Jae Hwa, you should tell your stalkers to stop staring. They're creeping me out." Mingyu comments.

Jae Hwa sigh. "It's not like I can just go up to them and say 'hey, you're bothering me, please stop staring'," She let out another sigh. "That would be really awkward."

"You're not hanging out with Joshua-hyung today. What's wrong?" Hansol asks, munching on a Pocky.

"Nothing. It's just..." Jae Hwa trails off after her eyes caught an unpleasant sight.

Joshua's ex-girlfriends are currently standing in front of her. Jae Hwa squints her eyes due to the bright sun above. Mingyu, Wonwoo, Hansol, and Seungkwan stares at them questionably.

" may I help you?" Jae Hwa questions. She was starting to feel dizzy due to the amount of perfume that the girls wear. The summer heat was not making it better either.

Their "suppose" leader puts her hands on her hips while her ducklings put on their (failed) Mean Girls expression. "Stay away from Joshua. It's a warning."

Jae Hwa rolls her eyes. "You're persistant, aren't you? Listen, I can hang out with whoever I like. Please mind your own business and stop trying to stick your nose in others' businesses."

Hansol slap his hand over Seungkwan's mouth to prevent the male from blurting put something stupid in this crucial moment. Mingyu stands beside Jae Hwa, ready to back her up whenever she need. just being Wonwoo.

"Uhh...are we interrupting something here?" Chan blurts out, looking confused. Behind him, the rest of the crew part ways for Joshua.

The girls' personality switch immediately. They walk up to the male, smiling cutely at him. However, Joshua just ignores them and head straight toward Jae Hwa.

"Hey!" He greets, grinning at her with that dorky smile of his.

Joshua then turns toward the group of Mean Girl wannabes, his smile didn't falter, but his eyes tell them that he's serious. "Don't bother Jae Hwa anymore, okay?"

After saying that, he proceed to sit down next to Jae Hwa and starts chatting about random topics. The rest of the boys share looks, then they shrugs and sit down in front of the pair. Jun snickers as he walk pass the girls, rolling his eyes.

While everyone was busy laughing about Seungkwan's and Hoshi's argument, Jeonghan observes the fuming group of girls that had just been shamed by both Joshua and Jae Hwa. He smirks, internally laughing at how easy it is going to be for him to get Jae Hwa.

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