To My Kings...

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Dear Kings,

I hope you know how proud I am
To be surrounded by such marvelous men
The work that you do
To see us through
Sincerely, I do admire you
Our children look up to you
Our community counts on you
So remember, even when your down
Our love will always be around
Lay your head in my lap
Rest your hands on my thighs
If you need to cry
Don't be shy
Your strength will always shine
I'm so proud to call you mine
My Ebony God, your wish is my command
You've made mistakes, I understand
But we love you still, by you will I stand
Though I may not always show
Do know it's because of you we all glow
You may not meet Society's Status quo
Our respect to you we all owe
Hold your head high
Fix your eyes towards the sky
And you shall always fly

Love Always,
From the one who writes...

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