Noble Son

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The Noble One

He rises early in the day
While getting dressed he prays :
God, give me strength yet another day
To face my demons of yesterday
Teach me to be humble
For I know I will stumble
Allow me to see my children grow
For Prosperity for them is all I know
Strengthen my mind through this journey
Called life
I hope before I die I make it right...
The streets are cold, the nights are long
Please, God show me how to be strong
Sometimes all I see are my wrongs
Inner joy is what I want
To silence all these evil thoughts
To you I am a Boy
To them I am a Man
They will never understand
The pains attached to being the one who Stands
No excuses, only demands
No sympathy, constant commands
Obligations that come with the pants
Father, lend me a helping hand
Usher my steps to Royalty
So that my kings and queens may follow me
Don't let me return home empty
Bless me with plenty
So when the day comes to pass on my crown
I won't frown
Because of the Legacy I founded from the ground
Thank you for your grace
As I run this race
Please keep my mind in place...
Until we speak again...

Your Son,
The Noble One

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