Feels Like Home

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"Though that traveler went to places far and wide, there was always one place she would come back to, under the golden leaves of the Wangshu Inn and sunset of Liyue, feeling at peace with the mysterious Yaksha himself." - Me

(FYI: The time of this takes place after the Sumeru Archon quest and will contain spoilers for both Inazuma and Sumeru)

After long battles in Inazuma and Sumeru, Lumine felt exhausted from it all, fighting against Scaramouche and trying to save Inazuma from the Shogun's almost tyrannical rule.

Lumine sighed, yearning for some sort of peace or relief from all the stress and intense situations she shoved into. Since it would be a while until she and Paimon would travel to Fontaine, she decided to visit some old friends and decided to visit Liyue, as she wanted to see a certain someone...

She walked down the path to Liyue, taking in the familiar scent of the harbor's waters and the smell of incense, her ears filled with the welcoming and cheerful laughter and the sound of the breeze in her ears. The wind gently blew by, Lumine's blonde hair flowing in the wind. She smiled softly, it had been a while since she had felt this at peace, she walk with Paimon floating beside her, talking about something random to herself as she normally did though Lumine payed no mind, feeling the breeze and nostalgic feeling of Liyue. She turned to look at the distance, looking at the Wangshu Inn and thought of Xiao, perhaps she could see him? Yet she didn't want to feel selfish, as she knew he had his own duties yet she walked onward anyway.

She eventually reached the bridge near Wangshu Inn when Paimon spoke

"Wangshu Inn? Do you really just want to see Xiao again?" Paimon asked, looking at Lumine with a skeptical look.

Lumine gently laughed and replied "Is it that obvious?" And felt presence behind her, a familiar one . She whirled around to see who it was, and it was Xiao and Paimon shrieked in surprise.

"AAHHHH!!! Xiao?! Ugh, you cant scare Paimon like that when you show up so unannounced!!" Paimon said angrily as she stomped her foot in the air. Xiao payed no mind to her anger.

"I was merely on patrol, you should be used to such a thing by now." Xiao replied to Paimon in his usual cold and aloof voice.

'Why you..!" Paimon fumed quietly.

Xiao's gaze turns to Lumine again, facing her with his arms crossed like normal, but his gaze soft as he looks at her. He couldn't deny he missed her, after all Lumine always brightened his dark, solemn days when she came back to Liyue. Though, he would never say that to her face as he thought she would be uncomfortable, especially because of someone like him, as he thought of himself as a monster.

"I heard everything earlier, you wanted to see me?" Xiao asked

Lumine nodded in reply.

"I did. Though I was unsure if you were busy or not with your duties." Lumine replied with a small, gentle smile.

"I am not at the moment, so would you like to come with me back to Wangshu Inn and talk over tea? I suppose you have more stories to share of your travels in Sumeru and Inazuma." Xiao asked Lumine

Lumine smiled in return and nodded at his request and walked beside him, and she swore she saw a smile across his lips.

They both walked back to the Wangshu Inn together, talking along the way while Paimon would occasionally join in, though she was still fuming over Xiao. They eventually reach the Inn and talk over tea together. Xiao gazes gently at her as they talk together, he couldn't deny he missed this, that he missed her, and having her back felt like a balm to his endless suffering even if short lived moments with her since she would always be traveling or busy with requests from others.

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