Chapter 1

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It was a normal day for me in my tiny apartment, I am 17 and in hiding. Hiding from what you  might ask well, I'm hiding from child services, if they caught me it would be game over everything I've worked for would dissappear. I didn't want to go back to anymore orphanages as everyone one I went to would always end up in blood shed, curses would attack me due to my past that would forever haunt me.

I've never been a difficult child, I never asked for anything or even acted like a spoilt brat. So why? That's the question I ask myself every night, every morning and every day. I never asked to be created like this, to be a pawn in someone elses game. To be the monster under some poor child's bed waiting for the lights to go out.

I was jumped off of my train of thaughts by a sharp knock on the door. They couldn't have found me already...right? I am always paranoid nomatter how hard or soft someone knocks on my door, you can never be too carefull. I lightly got up, making sure not to make too much noise so they might go away. But that never happened there were two male voices one sounded cocky the other sounded calm and collective.

I looked through the hole in the door to see what they looked like. The cocky sounding one had white hair and a blindfold over his eyes. The other has blonde hair, green steampunk looking glasses with a cream leopard print tie on. These two looked like an odd pair to be wandering the streets without a good reason to do so.

"Are you sure this is the right apartment Nanami? It looks abandoned like noone lives here." The blindfold guy seems like he questions this Nanami a lot.

Nanami then replied with, "Yes Gojo I'm sure this is the place, unlike you I acctually read the breifings before going out without knowing anything or a plan." Those two sure like to bicker alot, I quickly but quietly gather my very few essentials into a small backpack and open the window that leads to the roof.

Unfortunately luck wasn't on my side, there was a car below with three teenagers leaning on it. One has pink hair one had black hair and the other was a female with brown hair. They seemed to have noticed me and must be working with those two bickering buffoons. I needed to think of something and fast before they alerted the two grownups of my whearabouts

Father Figure (Nanami x Teen Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt