Chapter 3

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Let's just say that the fight between me and Nanami ended up with me getting my ass kicked and captured, it's so bad that I got my ass handed to me after 6 years of going off the grid. Apparently they were all Jujutsu sorcerers, not really sure what they do but my guess is that they kill curses and protect people that can't see curses. I've seen a lot of people who are depressed and sad because a curse has taken a hold of their lives, I try to help people and kill the curses that are feeding on them.

I woke up in a room filled with candles, it was dimly lit but enough to see around me. I tried to get up but the chains were stopping me, I look around the room and see the blindfold guy sitting backwards on a chair, I think his name was Gojo?

"I guess you're gonna kill me?" I ask, not with panic but with calmness. I was never afraid of death but I ran away so I could live.

"No, no, no we aren't going to kill you. We are actually are here to recrute you. You see you are very powerful but we aren't sure why do you have any idea?" He spoke to me with that cocky shiteating grin on his face again.

I wasn't going to just tell this random guy all about my past, but more so that I haven't gotten to mourn and comprehend what happened to me. I just looked to the floor not responding to his previous question.

"I'm guessing that that's a yes but I shouldn't assume so I'll do you a deal. You stay with my friend Nanami, train and have somewhere to live permanently. In return you tell us about your past when you're ready. Deal?" His hand was outstretched for me to shake. He wasn't going to say what I thought he was going to say, but his deal seemed to favour me than him so would it be that bad to accept his deal?

"I'm guessing I don't have a choice either way? But sure it's a deal." I looked at his hand and squinted my eyes at him. He does remember that my hands are chained up, right? How stupid can this guy be, why didn't Nanami come and do this interview he seems more responsable and knows what to do. I hope that living with this Nanami will be better than mine and Gojo's half an hour interaction, I don't hate Gojo it's just on my bad days people are annoying and Gojo is annoying on my good days so...the underline of it all is he's very annoying.

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