Chapter 4

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As Gojo walked me to Nanami's house it was mostly him talking to me, I just zoned out most of the time. He was chatting shit baisically, there was one bit of important information that I did listen to which was that 'Nanami would list rules for his house and you have to obey them or else when we next find you you will be killed instantly'. I think it's a bit over the top considering all of this is baisically in my favour.

When we arrived to Nanami's house it was quite a large detached house, no next door neighbours. When Gojo knocked on his door he opened it quite quickly, he was dressed very differently than our first encounter. He didn't have his glasses, tie or his suit jacket on but he still has his stoic expression plastered on his face.

"So we meet again, I hope you realise that you'll be living in my house so you live by my rules?" To be honest I was quite sure that this was a question until he raised his eyebrows at me. I looked away a little bit annoyed due to him treating me like a child, I get i'm younger than him but, seriously?

"Yes, I understand" I didn't give him any attitude because I know it would only make things worse for me, I wanted my stay here to be as easy as possible.

"Glad we're in agreement, if you go down the hall on the left is the dining room go in there and sit at the table i'll be in shortly to go over some rules." As I walk into his home I wave goodbye to Gojo, eventhough he is annoying I will miss his yapping. Gojo was telling Nanami to be a bit more gentle with me as he had assumptions that something had happened to me and knowing about it could help to assist me in the future.

As I entered his dining room it was painted grey with a TV on the wall it was a decent size. I placed my bag on the floor and sat on one of the dining room chairs. Nanami came in moments later and sat in the chair opposite to me.

"May I chech your bag?" I knew he was skeptical about me but to ask stuff like this as soon as we meet, then again I am a complete stranger that has just been thrown into his home to live with him. Like I said before though I don't want to make things harder for me so I handed my bag over to him without a fuss. He went through my things which were clothes, a pocket knife, my journal, my katana and a photo of a very young me and my mother.

"I will be confiscating your pocket knife and katana. You will get your katana back when we train, the pocket knife you might not get back, alright?" The pocket knife wasn't a problem but my katana was the last thing my mother gave me before she passed as a future gift that I opened too early at the orphanage.

"Yeah, alright." I was a bit skeptical but I didn't want to fight on my first day living here. Then he passed me a piece of paper with rules on it:

1. No leaving the house without supervision.
2. No trying to escape, there are cameras around the house.
3. You will help with some of the chores around the house.
4. You will need to cook atleast three meals a week so far.
5. Training will be everyday at 7am unless I say otherwise.
6. You will get an allowance of £200 a week which is for treats clothes and ingredients for your days to cook.

"There is also a rota on the fridge which will be next to the rules that I will place up in a second." These rules were quite nice compared to other rules that I have had to comply to. I'm guessing that if I follow these rules my life here will be a breeze.

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