Chapter 5

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*Trigger Warning*
I was having another nightmare these things always appear when I either move location or fight with my other arms. There was an angry mob outside of my house, my mother was trying to protect me with her own life. Apparently my curse tequnique was killing all the crops and draining the water in our town, that was far from the truth though.

They pushed through our front door and grabbed my mother so she couldn't help me, they dragged me to the middle of our town and began to carve the symbols of Sukuna in my skin and applied cursed energy into them making them permanent. My mother looked horrified more so of the fact that she couldn't help me at all.

My screams were heard from miles away, then they used one of Sukuna's fingers to apply some of his curse energy as a sacrifice so they could use me to get their healthy crops and clean water back. However I used my cursed energy to escape then...

I awoke from my nightmare in a cold sweat not fully aware of where I was, not remembering the events of yesterday. Nanami walked in looking quite worried as to why I screamed in the middle of the night waking him. He walked closer to me and I backed away further from where he was coming from, my second pair of arms cradled me and my second pair of eyes widened in shock and fear.

"Are you alright, you screamed quite loudly?" Nanami spoke in a quiet and calming tone, he also took the hint that I didn't want him coming closer to me so he stopped and gave me some space.

"" That nightmare was the worst one I have ever had yet, both pairs of my eyes franticly looked around cautious of the dangers that may appear. But all I saw was Nanami giving me support from afar so I still had my space if I was to lash out on him. His concerned look made me frightened that he didn't want me just like my mother didn't after what our village did to me.

Nanami was going to leave but I reached over and tugged on his sleave I wasn't ready for him to leave yet, I wanted compforting, I wanted someone to love me like she did. I think I owe Nanami an explanation as to why his sleep was disturbed by my screaming night terrors.

"Can you something?" He looked at me a bit taken back, he mustn't have thought that I would trust him as quick as I have done. But these nightmares aren't going to get any easier unless someone else knows about them so they can help and understand me.

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