Faking it

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It had been a few hours since the boys had last seen Ariella now and she hadn't shown up anywhere. She wasn't with them, she wasn't with the girls and they'd checked all of her spots. Theo was about to burst a blood vessel and Mattheo was ready to go and kill his father with his bare hands. Draco was the only one being rational right now.

"It's been too long I'm going to spe-.." before Mattheo could finish his sentence, the three boys looked at eachother. All of them pulling up the sleeves on their left arms. The dark mark, swaying on their skin. Mattheo's eyes widened, he knew what this meant.

"We need to go. Now" Theo's voice was stern but his heart was pounding in his chest, he prayed to Merlin that she hadn't done it.

The three boys apparated. Landing in the foyer of Malfoy manor. It was full of deatheaters, some they knew and some they didn't. Theo stood there, tapping his foot against the marble floors impatiently.

"Would you stop that, you're putting me on edge" Draco whispered close to Theo's ear, a glare on his face. Theo simply rolled his eyes. Mattheo on the other hand, was keeping his cool. He knew they'd have to go along with whatever act Ariella had put up. As the doors to the dining room swung open, the deatheaters flooded into the room. The boys following in suit, their eyes immediately scanned the room, she wasn't here.

"Take your seats" The dark lords voice filled the room and once everyone was seated and in silence he began to talk. "I have called you all here at this hour to offer you some great news. Today, another joined us, one we've been after for a long time. Ariella Black, our new weapon" the man turned around, holding his hand out towards the door. The boys all watched with wide eyes as she entered the room. Her face was cold, void of any emotion. Ariella discretely let her eyes travel around everyone. Before stopping them on three familiar faces. She internally smiled when she saw them, but of course they wouldn't know.

"Miss Black is a paraffin and she will become my greatest alliance to date" Ariella drowned out his words, instead she focused her eyes on Theo's, hoping he could read her own and he seemed to as he sent a small discreet nod at her. Next she looked to Mattheo, his stare towards his father was harsh and full of hate but when his eyes caught hers, it seemed to soften for a second. He stared at her intently and she was confused until she heard his voice in her mind.

"Are you okay?"


"You're so stupid, you know that?"

"I had to do it, Mattheo. It was the only way"

"I know and I'm sorry for not seeing it earlier"

"I forgive you but you have to keep up this act. We hate eachother, that's what he thinks"

"Don't worry, I've got this"

Ariella sent a small smile at him. Focusing back in on voldys final words.

"Today she became apart of my followers" he grabbed her arm harshly, causing her to wince slightly, as his long dirty nails scratched her skin. She could see Theo and Mattheo tensing in their seats and she begged for them to keep their cool. The man moved up Ariella's sleeve to show her now fellow deatheaters her mark. She could see smirks resting on everyone's faces in the room, it was almost funny to Ariella as they truly believed she would win them this war, when in matter of fact she would end up killing them all. A small snicker escaped her lips and she screwed her eyes shut, mentally face palming. When she opened them, she had the harsh glare of every person in the room on her.

"Something funny, my child" the dark lord didn't release his grip, but only tightened it.

"No, my lord. Of course not" she planted her fakest and sweetest smile on her face. The man narrowed his cold eyes at her before dropping her arm.

"To prove herself to me, Ariella Black will take a task of the upmost importance, this Friday eve, she will help Bellatrix Lestrange escape Azkaban" as he spoke the words, Ariella's heart sunk and so did the boys. All of them stared at her from across the room, trying not to let it show on their faces. Draco closed his eyes, saying a secret prayer to Merlin. Mattheo looked at this father with more hate than he ever had before, all he wished for was to see him dead. Theo couldn't take the eyes off the girl, she didn't look like the girl he'd come to love right now. She looked distant, like she wasn't really here and maybe she wasn't. He hoped she'd taken herself to a better place in her mind.

Cheers were heard all around the room and a smirk rested on the dark lords face as he excused everyone, apart from Ariella and the three boys. He held his hand out towards the table, silently telling Ariella to take a seat. In the midst of keeping up her act, she sneered at the three boys as she sat across from them. Placing her feet up onto the table once again.

"So lord voldy, fun task you've got for me there" Ariella smirked widely earning a look of distaste from her lord. Mattheo was cursing in his own head, thanking his lucky stars that his father needed her.

"Indeed" the man sounded like he wanted nothing more than to be rid of these incompetent teenagers. "The reason I've kept all of you behind is because, you boys are now dear Ariella's protectors, you shall put her life before your own".

"No offence but I don't need these three idiots protecting me. I can quite easily squash anyone who gets in my way and they will, simply be in my way" Ariella glared at the three boys before turning back to look at Voldemort.

"Very good Miss Black. However, it is up to me. They will do it and you will let them" Theo nearly laughed at the irony, if only he knew they'd already been protecting her for months now.

"Fine. Is that all Tom?" Ariella smiled at him sweetly and watched as he let out a harsh breath.

"Yes, that is all. Leave" he motioned his hand towards the door. The four teenagers standing and bowing their heads at him. Ariella walked out of the room first, strutting with power as the three boys followed behind her like lost puppies.

(1118 words)

Kisses xoxo

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