Time is running out

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A few weeks had passed since the night of the party and Ariella found a certain comfort in Mattheo knowing what was going to happen, although he took any opportunity he could to try and persuade her there was another way, that she didn't have to die but Ariella had already come to terms with it. She'd been keeping contact with Harry and the two would secretly meet up in the corridors at night. Harry had informed Ariella just two nights ago that they'd destroyed the cup from Bellatrix Lestranges vault at gringotts, which meant there was only one left. The one that resided somewhere within these walls. Ariella's time was running out and she prayed to Merlin that when she went, she'd go quickly.

She was awaiting the call from the dark lord, the one that would seal her fate. Where they'd all find out he planned to infiltrate their home in order to stop Harry Potter from getting ahold of the last Horcrux. She had been on edge, every second of every day and Mattheo was the only one who understood why. Theo was growing more and more suspicious of her nervousness but she simply brushed it off as her anxiety playing tricks on her. Draco had still been disappearing and reappearing late at night and Ariella always stayed up, waiting for him in the common room. She had begged him to tell her what was going on but he only told her that he couldn't, because if he did, he'd likely be killed. Ariella had decided she wanted to say goodbye in her own way, deciding to spend a night with each of her friends, first was Daphne and Pansy and that one was easy. They stayed up all night, doing face masks, painting their nails and talking, about anything and everything. Before they all fell asleep, Ariella told them how much she loved them and how grateful she was for meeting them on the first day of first year and Both of the girls, found this strange, because Ariella wasn't one for expressing her feelings but they just brushed it off, pulling her into a tight hug and telling her that they loved her too.

For the boys, Ariella took them all down to the black lake, on a warm spring evening. She laid down a blanket and provided them with food before stripping down to her underwear and jumping into the still cold water. Theo followed in suite, diving into the water after her and emerging with the girl on his shoulders. Mattheo knew what this was, this was her goodbye and because of that, he did whatever it was she wanted. He jumped into the water too, splashing the girl with water and letting out a laugh. She glared at him harshly before splashing him back and disappearing under the dark water. Emerging a few feet away before Theo's arms wrapped around her waist and held in place, allowing Mattheo to grab ahold of her ankles. Both boys swinging her body and throwing her into the water. Draco took a lot of convincing, disgusted at the thought of touching the murky water but after Ariella begged him with her puppy dog eyes, he gave in. He jumped into the water with a frown on his face but after Mattheo attacked him with the water, he lightened up and actually had a good time.

When's the four teenagers were sat back on the blanket, dressed back into their uniform, watching the sunset. Ariella started to speak.

"I just want to say something to all of you. I'm so grateful for all of you. This year has been the best and worst year of my life but I wouldn't have changed it, because this is the year that I got all of you. Sure me and Draco started it off as we usually did but now I can say I do have family." Ariella looked at Draco and smiled "and Theo, me and you were barely friends, I'd say frenemies but you didn't give up on me and you were there in my darkest times and somewhere along the way, I feel completely and utterly in love with you" as Ariella looked at Theo he had a huge smile on his face. "And Mattheo, you turned up out of nowhere and turned my life upside down and even though your intentions at first weren't real, everything you've given me since has been and you've honestly become my best friend and I can't even remember life without you in it" When Ariella glanced to Mattheo, his face held a smile but his eyes, his eyes were sad because he knew. "Okay I'm done" Ariella looked down to her hands. Theo and Draco were completely confused but they just assumed she was feeling nostalgic.

"I love you" Theo spoke as he pulled the girl into his side. They sat in silence as they all watched the sun setting behind the trees. The orange and yellow hues, highlighting all of their faces and little did Ariella know, this would be the last sunset she would get the pleasure of watching. This would be the last time she'd sit with her friends just being normal teenagers. The last time all of them would be together and her heart broke a little bit as she looked over her boys. The boys that would sacrifice themselves for her were going to lose her because for once, she was going to sacrifice herself for them. So that they could live in a peaceful world, a world without fear and death. A world without the evil snake like man was going to be a better world but a world without Ariella Black, well, that was going to be a world without light for the three boys.

(972 words)

Kisses xoxo

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