Chapter 4

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In the weeks that followed, Lilith's demeanor did not improve, much to Elian's charin. While she allowed Elian to escort her to various events and dinner parties and show her the sights of the kingdom, she was never seen without a scowl on her face and showed him no warmth whatsoever. Her behavior earned her the nickname of "ice princess" among the Capellans, and she was certainly not at all popular although she was a frequent topic of gossip.

The palace servants tried to avoid her whenever they could, for fear of being the target of one of her screaming fits. Elian was worn out from trying to please her, and also irritable from the poor sleep he received since he no longer slept in a bed. He was much too embarrassed by how poorly his marriage was progressing to make arrangements to sleep in another room.

But despite the troubles she gave him, every day he dutifully went to call on her and show her around the kingdom. He had shown her the library, the palace art galleries, and several of the gardens so far. Lilith had shown little interest in any of it, and Elian had nearly given her up as a lost cause. He didn't seem to be making any progress with her. 

Today he had decided to show her the stables. Lilith followed alongside him with quick, purposeful strides, her head held high in a very regal but haughty manner. As usual she offered little in the way of conversation, but nodded appropriately as Elian explained the sights along the way.

"Ah, here we are, the stables," Elian said with a sweep of his arm at the building housing many beautiful horses. They entered, walking past several stalls that were empty of their inhabitants since the gates were open to the pasture, and many of the horses were grazing the sunny meadow behind the stable. Lilith approached one stall whose gray and spotted mare was watching her, and Elian was surprised when she reached out her hand to gently stroke the mare's nose. She seemed decidedly less bored with the horses than she had been with anything else he showed her so far.

"Do you ride?" Elian asked her.

"Yes," Lilith replied in her clear, bell-like voice. "I used to anyway."

"Would you like to ride her?" Elian asked, tipping his head toward the mare.

Lilith nodded, and so Elian began to fit the horse with a saddle and tack before helping her up onto the horse. Elian walked Lilith and her horse over to another stall. He whistled, calling a black stallion over to him. He patted the horse's side lovingly.

"This is Malachai. My steed."

Lilith nodded at him appreciatively. He was also a very beautiful horse. Elian mounted his horse too and Lilith followed him through the field as they headed toward a trail that headed into a lightly wooded area. The horses trotted leisurely through the meadow, and Lilith noticed quite a few other fine horses grazing. 

And then at the opposite end of the meadow, near the fenceline, she spotted one of the most breathtaking horses she had ever seen. It was all white, but its coat was shining so in the sun it almost looked as if it was glowing with a golden light. The wind played on its long, silky mane as it shook its head. As if it had noticed her watching it, the horse reared up, whinnying, and playfully galloped away over a small hill so that Lilith lost sight of it.

"What about that white horse, over there?" Lilith asked, pointing in the direction the horse had taken off in, and Elian looked back at her, his eyebrows raised in surprise to hear her speaking to him.

"Oh, you noticed her, did you?" Elian responded, a knowing smile on his face.

"I'd like to ride that horse", she said. Lilith was about to move the reins to go in the direction of the white horse, which she felt suddenly very compelled to see again, but Elian frowned at her.

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