The Big Sleep

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Chris walked to the cabins with the megaphone. He smiles at the camera before he uses an air horn he blasts it into the megaphone to wake up the campers. Leshawna wakes up and hits her head. "Ow! It's 7:00 in the morning! Do I look like a farmer to you?!" She yells at Chris. (Y/N) climbs down her bunk to check on Leshawna. "You okay?" The bigger girl huffs and nods, giving her a small smile.

After getting dressed, (Y/N) walked out of the cabin, she saw Noah leaning on the steps. "Good morning, Noah." She gave him a sweet smile, the know-it-all turned to face her and rolled his eyes. "You call getting woken up by an air horn a good morning?" The two made their way to the group. "Morning, hope you all slept well." Chris smirks. "Hi, Chris, you look really buff in those shorts." Heather tries to flatter the host. Noah and (Y/N) shared a look of disgust at the display.

"I know." Chris winks. "I hope you are all ready because your next challenge begins in exactly one minute." Owen pouts and raises his hand. "Oh, excuse me, I don't know if that's enough time to eat breakfast." Chris chucked. "Oh, you'll get breakfast, Owen, right after you complete your 20 kilometre run around the lake." The teens groan and complain, Eva tries to fight Chris but was held back by her team.


The campers began their run, some already racing with each other while others simply walked. (Y/N) was one of the walkers, she held a disinterested expression while checking herself out in her hand mirror. Noah ran past her, an eyebrow raised. He slowed down and kept pace with her. The (H/C) girl noticed him and smiled. "Whatcha doing?" Noah only rolled his eyes. "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm making sure you're not falling behind and costing our team the challenge." He said with a scoff.

(Y/N) pointed behind her with a smirk, it was Harold who was heaving and sweating buckets. "I'm pretty sure we'll be fine, and besides I don't feel like running." Noah chuckled at Harold's pain, in the corner of his eye he saw Owen approaching. "You know what? I don't feel like running either." He says before falling to the ground. "Noah!?" (Y/N) panicked before turning to Owen. "Owen! Help!" The blonde boy rushed over and picked up Noah with ease. "Oh Noah! Hang in their bud!" He turns to (Y/N) and picks her up as well. "Wait! Owen put me down!" She yelps as the blonde races to the cafeteria.


Owen burst into the cafeteria carrying both (Y/N) and Noah. "Clear a table, stat!" He placed Noah on the table and began CPR. Leshawna crawled into the building exhausted. "Oh! We made it!" Courtney glared at Harold as he had heart palpitations. "What took so long? We lost the challenge!" (Y/N) perked up. "Wait, doesn't that mean we won?" The Screaming Gophers looked at each other before cheering, only for Chris to cut them off. "Whoa there, hold your horses, guys, that wasn't the challenge." The teen deadpanned at the host. "What did you just say?"

"Who's hungry?" Chris smiles as the curtain opens, showing a huge buffet. The teens mouths water, they rush to the table and stuff their faces.

(Y/N'S) Confessional.

"Oh my gosh!" She squeals excitedly. "Food! Real food! I actually started crying." She laughs softly, leaning on the wall before realizing something. "Wait a minute, did Noah fake passing out?"


The buffet table was completely empty, the teens' stomachs full and bloated. Chris jumps on the table and speaks into his megaphone. "Okay, campers, time for part two of your challenge." Owen spoke up. "I thought eating was the second part?" (Y/N) groaned. "What more do you want from us, man?" Heather nodded. "Ditzy is right, haven't we been through enough?" Chris smirked. "Um, let me think about that, no, it's time for the Awake-A-Thon!"

The campers looked at the host confused, "The what?" Chris jumps off the table. "Don't worry, This is an easy one, the team with the last camper standing wins invincibility." Gwen spoke up. "So, what you're saying is the 20k and the turkey eating frenzy were part of your evil plan to make it harder for us to stay awake?" Chris nodded with a laugh. "That's right, Gwen! Now move, move, move!"

The campers walk while (Y/N) approaches Noah. "You scared me, you know. I thought you actually passed out." Noah smirked and shrugged. "I'm riddled with guilt," She rolls her eyes, playing with hair. "How long do you think it'll be before everyone's out cold?" He huffs. "About an hour, give or take," A drooling Owen groans and walks past the two "...Definitely less."


Outside by the campfire, contestants are tired and some of them have bags under their eyes and some of them are awake. "We are now 12 hours in with all 21 campers still wide awake." Chris whispered with a big smirk on his face. "Woohoo! Stay awake for 12 hours? I could do that in my sleep. Woohoo!" Owen stands frozen and falls.

(Y/N) laid down on the grass, a bored expression on her face. "This is so boring..." Noah takes a seat on the stump next to her. "Could be worse," Raising an eyebrow at him, she hummed. "Literally, how?" He shrugs. "I could be stuck here without you to entertain me." (Y/N) giggled with a small smile.

She sits up and leans on his stump. "Is your way of making friends bullying them?" Noah rolled his eyes and smiled. "You're the one sticking around." She huffs and leaned her head back to look at him. "You're the one letting me..." Noah says nothing, only letting her lean on him while he reads.


"Congratulations, campers, you've made it to the 24-hour mark," Chris stated, a few people were asleep. "Time to take things up a notch." He grinned, pulling out a fairytale book. (Y/N) "He's not serious!" Noah looked at her with a raised eyebrow before turning to see Chef in a lamp costume causing him to burst out laughing. (Y/N) perked up, turning to Chef, she laughed as well.

"Okay, so. What's your favorite movie?" (Y/N) asked with a tired smile, Noah thought for a moment before shrugging. "I don't watch movies." She gasps in shock. "What?! No way!" He rolled his eyes and gestured to his book. "What's yours then?" "Mean girls!" (Y/N) says proudly, Noah chucked and huffed. "Let me guess, Karen Smith is your favorite character?" She nodded with an impressed smile. "I thought you didn't do movies?" He shrugged. "I have a lot of sisters."

The two smile at each other but suddenly, Owen walks by, sleepwalking naked,(Y/N) and Noah froze in shock at what they just saw. Taking a look next to them, they saw Owen's clothes, laying beside the seats.

"Okay, that's enough for me. I'm going to sleep." Noah deadpanned, settling down on the grass, (Y/N) looked at him with uncertainty. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" He gives her a look before sighing. "It will be fine," He points to the three Screaming Gophers that were still awake. "Gothy has this, and besides if we lose I atleast know that we'll be safe." He reassured her.

She smiles at him before crashing out cold, her head falling in his lap, Noah looked down at the now sleeping girl unimpressed before sighing and laying down next to her.


The next day came, (Y/N) stirred awake grumbling softly. She cuddled into the thing next to her trying to hide away from the sunlight. "Comfy?" Noah's monotone voice broke her out of the sleepy state. Her eyes widened as she moved away from him, her cheeks fluttered pink in embarrassment. "Sorry!" He only rolled his eyes and helped her up. "Whatever, Chris said that we can wash up." (Y/N) nodded softly, taking a look at Gwen and giving her the thumbs up. She followed behind Noah. "Thanks for staying up with me..." He looks at her and shrugs, hiding the smile he was giving her.

"Meh, you're not the worst company."

|| A know-it-all and a ditz || Total drama island - Noah x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now