1.2: Training Day

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Army Songs Are Heard As We Pan Down:

Hart walks over, "Who the hell gave you that?" She asks

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Hart walks over, "Who the hell gave you that?" She asks

"Those guys." Jamari says pointing to two soldiers laughing, "They said it was A tire or something..."

"Attire...they'll be dealt with...Jamari...think of this as a game ok?" She asks

"A Game? I like games!" He shouts

"Great Catch!" She shouts throwing a gun in hand

Jamari catches it and aims the gun at his head unknowingly so his father comes in and snatches the weapon away.

"Don't you think a gun is a little too advanced for a four year old?" Aaron asks

"Oh please four year olds these days can shoot better than trained professionals." Hart says

Outta Pocket
But true asl

"Watch this..." hart says handing the weapon to Jamari, "Hey Jamari imagine those things just ate the last few Dino nuggets." Steel dummies come up

Without hesitation Jamari lands clean ass head shots on each of the dummies, hart turns to Aaron smirking.

Every morning, they would engage in games that seemed like child's play to the outsider, but in reality, they were carefully crafted simulations designed to develop Jamari's enhanced abilities.

Lieutenant Hart's approach was gentle yet firm, always mindful of Jamari's young age. Through games of hide and seek, she honed his sense of awareness and taught him the importance of staying hidden.

Their playful races were opportunities for Jamari to understand the value of speed and agility. As they played catch, she subtly instilled the principles of accuracy and precision.

Lt. Hart's dedication was unwavering. She understood the weight of responsibility that came with training Jamari.

She knew that his abilities, if nurtured correctly, could turn the tide in future conflicts.

Her belief in his potential drove her to be the best mentor she could be.

As the days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, a bond formed between them.

Jamari began to see Lieutenant Hart not just as a trainer, but as a friend and mentor.

He loved their "playtime," not fully realizing the true purpose behind their activities.

One day, during a particularly intense training exercise disguised as a game of tag, Jamari's enhanced reflexes and speed amazed even Lieutenant Hart.

She realized the extent of his potential and the responsibility that came with it. She knew that she had to ensure Jamari's moral compass was as strong as his physical abilities.

Their training shifted subtly. Lieutenant Hart began incorporating lessons about integrity, compassion, and the importance of using his gifts for the greater good.

Jamari absorbed these lessons eagerly, his young mind understanding more than most his age.

More weeks passed, and Jamari grew into a remarkable young kid, his abilities finely honed and his character strong.

Lieutenant Hart watched with pride as he graduated from the covert training program, knowing that she had played a crucial role in shaping the future of a remarkable individual.

Their playful guise had indeed been a training ground, but it had also been a foundation for an unbreakable bond.

As Jamari ventured into the world, Lieutenant Hart remained a steady presence in his life, always there to offer guidance and support.

Together, they had turned games into lessons, and lessons into a legacy that would shape the world for years to come.

Jamari stands with Ms. Hart, he overlooks everyone aka the main characters of the film.

"Nervous?" Hart asks

"You could say that." Jamari responds

"Don't worry." She says rubbing his head making Jamari smile as he stands next to MC Of the Film Dan.

"Are you four?" Dan asks

"Five Actually." He says

"Why...I'm so confused." Dan says

"You'll get used to it." He responds

"You people... you all have something in common. Whatever your age, occupation, ethnicity or gender, whatever your background, you are now heroes. You answered a call. It was a cry for help across time. It's the voice of your children... and they need you." Sergeant Dodd explains, Jamari looks down the row and sees hhs father who nods to him, "The sacrifice that you make now is for them. For the first time in human history, the armed forces from every nation are united against one enemy."

"I'm Sergeant Diaz. I am not your friend.
This is." Diaz says holding up an advanced weapon

"Seven days from now, when you are sent into that war..." Dodd begins, "You won't be fighting for your country. You'll be fighting for the world."

Everyone gears up, Jamari grabs his go to side arm a golden beretta. He then grabs a sawed off shotgun cocks it back and puts it on his back.

He then grabs his advanced weapon and reloads it, "I need to see your weapon's been cleared." Soldier says

"Throats and abdomens... That's what you aim for." Diaz says

"On behalf of the Department of Defense... and a grateful nation..." Dodd says as Diaz demonstrates the speed and power of the weapon, "We thank you for your service."

"Your tour of duty will be seven days. That's 168 hours. At the end of your tour, if the Jump-band attached to your arm determines that you are still clinically alive..." hart says, "You will automatically be jumped back from wherever you are, and your tour of duty will be complete.
What you think you know about basic training does not apply. You will not march, crawl or climb. There will be no push-ups, no pull-ups, no obstacle courses."

"I was kind of looking forward to that." A Guy says

Jamari side eyes him and then him and Dan roll their eyes, "You will take what you are given and dress as quickly as you can. Overly ventilated jeans, yoga pant fails, cargo shorts... All will be replaced." Hart says

"See, I don't get the criteria for, like, what goes and what stays. Like, they took my shorts, they left the jacket, which is clearly, like, fashion over function. My man over there is wearing a chef's hat. And you're just a whole ass child." Charlie says as He turns to Jamari who shrugs, "I mean, I didn't get this... This isn't military issue. I bought this at Ross Dress for Less for like $30 'cause I thought it was gonna be cold in the van."

"Most of you will deploy with D-Force. The rest will jump with R-Force. The screen on your Jump-band indicates deployment. Check it now." Hart explains

All the Jump-bands beep, "Oh. I guess we're together. I'm Charlie." Charlie says shaking his hand

"Dan." Dan responds

Jamari and Aaron walk over, "Seems we're all in the same boat." Aaron says

"Am I the only one concerned on why there's a four year old going into war?" Charlie asks

"I'm five!" Jamari shouts

"Big difference!" Charlie shouts

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