A-class~traitor: 1

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April  2016 • 4 • 15

I never really liked doing what I was told..I was thought it was a pain in the ass..but here I am in Kunugigaoka Junior High School..after school standing infront of the principal and the man with spike black hair. The atmosphere was dark and cloudy.

"(Y/n). You will be the A-class traitor."
The principal Asano said as he slid a paper to you.

"W-what..?" She stunned. She moved closer to the paper. She quickly recovered.
She glared at the man with a bloodlust really intense he started sweat a bit. He had the upper hand in this. "Why the fuck should I be the traitor. Why not your perfect son."

"Gakushu is good but he is not great. I need someone that can keep him straight and on the right path. I need someone who can handle the school and E3-class. You are already known as the princess in this school because you are Gakushu right hand women." Asano lays on his palm.

"What do I get in return." She places her hand in her hip.

"You get to keep your relationship with Gakushu whatever that may be and you won't get sent to E-class." He gets up and walks around his desk. With a voice full of venom he got in your head or tried to.

"I created gakushu to hate E-class no matter what."

He grabs you face. "If you ever got sent to E-class he would see you as another mindless lower classmate. A summer ant. Useless,pathetic and stupid. So I suggest you sign the paper and stay with him."

I grabbed his hand. "And If you want to keep your hand then I suggest you don't touch me." You were about to get the pen and stab him in his fucking eye. "gakushu loves me more then he will never love you. I make him so happy. Now. Get.off." She brought the pen up close to his eye. He let go and backed up.

"Fuck with me and I will fucking kill you." She looks down on the ground. "Let me read the paper. I will put my own condescensions."

On April 2016, 15 this contract will be for y/n lucifer l/n to be a the spy
For the E-class.
If y/n is to break these rules she will be placed in E-class and
She will not be able to talk to gakushu until both have graduated.

Y/n is not allowed to let gakushu find out about koro-sensei.

Y/n has to answer ever call from Karasuma.

"Who is Karasuma?" The girl looks at the principal still keeping his distances.

"That would be me." Y/n turns to the black hair man. "It a pleasure to meet you." He walks up to you to shake your hand.

Y/n looks him up and down. "Hot. And the pleasure is all mine~" she takes his hand. "So I have to answer your calls..ok"

She lets go and continues reading.

Y/n can leave the classroom when she is called to the principals office.

"What a pain." She sighs

Y/n only works on weekdays.
Special reasons like a trip or something emergency she has to work.

Y/n mustn't let anyone know she works as a traitor.

"I have few conditions" she places the paper down and flips it over there wasn't any other rules. She grabs the pen and starts witring. "Here." She gives it to the principle.

"Also sir.Karasuma please go easy on me. Unless you like it rough." Y/n winks at him. He sighs. "Geez I was joking. So uptight!"

"That all y/n?" Mr. Asano spoke.

She grab the paper and hands it to Karasuma "read it sir what do you think?"

I y/n l/n will add these conscious.

I will only work Monday through Wednesday at 7am-5pm.

I will be providing with my OWN room for trips.

The principal cannot always call me to the office. He can also suck my ass.

I also have to be notified when there is a new teacher.

If you break any of my rules I will rip off a fucking finger.

"You are quite a violent young lady" Karasuma sweat drops. Y/n was sitting on Asano's desk.

"I'm a 17 year old girl. It's a dangerous world out here. Learning to protected yourself is important." Y/n looks down at her shoes.

'Poor girl she going through so much and this asshole is making worst for her.. does he not have sympathy?' Karasuma looks at her. "you're a tough kid. Here."

Y/n catches a green knife. "Huh?"

"It's the only way to kill the octopus or as the students call him Koro-sensei. Let me introduce him to you." He hand you the paper.

"Sound like a plan! I be there can I have a sec though? With him" y/n points her head to Mr.asano. Karasuma nods and walks out.

"How long.." y/n looked down at her shoes. "How long did you have this plan for?"

"I never had a plan for this specific thing but using you. When I first saw you." He walks back to his seat.

"I was 9..." she glares at him over her shoulder.

"When you're precious shu introduces us I knew you were perfect to keep him intact." He smiles. Y/n gets off of the desk and signs the paper.

"I will break your face if you call him that again. That's my name that I made for him." She stabs the pen to the desk so hard the pen stands up. She slides him the paper and walks out. "only I can use it"

Karasuma was waiting for her. She changed her expression to a sweet smile.

Of course gakuho will never admit it but that girl is scary. Even for him and he was a piece of shit. He grabs the pen and places down next to the paper. gakuho looks out the window to see y/n smiling and talking to mr. Karasuma like she didn't just threaten a man.


"Wow! What a work out." Y/n stretchs as she and Karasuma get to the top of the hill.

"Yes. It is" Karasuma shakes his head.

"Has the class always been isolated like this?" Karasuma shakes his head 'yes' "that's fucked up..like what is wrong with that asshole? Just because they don't get good grades or behavior right? They aren't some animals. They are students humans." Y/n crosses her arms.

'she is such a interesting person. In a good way.. caring, smart and sarcastic. She acts like such a normal kid.' Karasuma smiles "im happy you think that why"

Karasuma opens the door. You follow close behind him. He knocks on a door then opens it.

'That's why they call him an octopus.."
y/n stands stunned.

Traitor ~ karma x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now