A-class~traitor: 3

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April, 2016 • 4 • 20

'Why can mr.k just get the papers himself? It's a Wednesday for fuck sake..whatever at least it's after school. Hey maybe I can see Nagisa!'  (Y/n) has been walking asano all the day home and then walked to her house so she hasn't been on her train. She has but only after work.

She was carrying some paper which he texted her tell her to bring it.

'and the way he texts is not nice. 'go get me some paper' dude.. not nice' as y/n got up the hill she saw 3 people a blue hair girl, blackish hair boy and a big yellow octopus. The octopus was trying to dodge the black hair kid. He threw a ball and it was coming right for the girl.

"Are you fucking Kidding me..?💢" she couldn't do much but barely dodge it... "HEY KORO! COME AND HELP ME!"

The octopus was quick to take some paper the (h/c) girl walks closer to the 3 people..or um 2 people and Koro.

"Thanks! Can you believe k? He making me do this shit.." she rolls her eyes.

"S-sir you're not in your human form.." the blue hair BOY!? Says.

(Y/n) had sparkling in her eyes "NAGISA" (y/n) gave the rest of the papers to the other person there. "It's so good to see you!" She hugs him.

"(Y/n)..you remember me?" He hugs you back. "It's great to see you again!"

"How can I forget someone as special as you." She playful punches him. She giggles. "Well excuse me boys and um Koro. I need to get these papers to k."
(Y/n) grabbed the papers from koro and the black hair dude. "Let walk home together Nagisa!" Then (y/n) hurry's in the building.

She uses her foot to open the door and then close it. Her smile fades away as the door closes. 'Im so done with this I want to sleep..'

"SUP MR.K HERES THE PAPERS YOU ASK FOR!" (Y/n) opens the doors and put the papers on the table. "You're welcome!"  She leans side of his desk. "God! I'm tired.." she sighs

"Thank you, (y/n) you are such a great help." He says. "You already? You seem more excused. You know for a kid you act more like an adult than anything."

"Yeah well..when you have to grow up fast then you kinda see the world differently..but I still act like a kid..or I like to think so." (Y/n) smiles. "You know..I find myself opening up to you and octopus a lot..there some thing about your presences that makes me truly feel..safe. Not sure what it is but anyways boss! My job is done." (Y/n) jumps on her feet and walks out. "Remember. Call me beep me if you want to reach me!"

"Seriously..Kim possible reference..?" He looked at the girl with a deadpan face.

"Hey it's a good show and besides i feel like her!" (Y/n) leaves him. 'Now time to get Nagisa.'

"Wait (y/n)." Karasuma walks out and calls her name. "We are going to get a new student and a new teacher. As Mr.asano for their papers."

"Oh! Already oki! I will ask about them tomorrow!" She not looking at Karasuma waves and leaves the building. 'What a pain..why did I agree to this again.?'
(Y/n) takes out her phone and looks at the time but her wallpaper catches her attention.

'Oh him..' the photo of gakushu and (y/n) in his room laying down next to each other. He had this smirk on his face and she had a big grin on her face. He was holding her tightly half of his face was covered. She was leaning on him. 'We had a flight in the pool that day. I was about to leave angry at him but he stopped me' she wasn't paying attention until she felt Nagisa right nexts to her.

"Hey special man~" she looks over at him and puts her phone away. "How was your day?" She smiles.

"Still calling me special? I still see myself as normal (y/n)!" He sighs "and my day was good..can I ask you something?"

"Hit me!"

"How come you can see Koro-sensei? I thought nobody else could see him.." he looks at your expression to see if had crossed the line.

"Hmm well my it not in contract to keep it a secret form E-class! Well! I'm supposed to be a "traitor" I'm supposed to keep everyone in the main campus and gakushu from getting to close to Koro! Karasuma is my boss.." she keeps her eye forward on the sidewalk. "My reason on agreeing is because he threatened to take away someone I love..and I can't let that happen. Don't tell anyone my reasoning Nagisa.."

"Are you getting paid?"

"I wish! But no I'm not." (Y/n) rolls her eyes.

April, 2016 • 4 • 27

"Karma akabane?" She was reading the new students paper. 'He is good looking' a little picture in top of the paper shows the students face.

"Where have I heard that name before?" She looks at the big boss. Mr.asano. She was told to come on break so she can read the paper for the new student and teacher.

"He was the one second to Asano. He a smart kid but he had some issues..I want you to keep a good relationship with that kid. Just make sure gakushu doesn't find out. He will get mad." Mr Asano handed the girl other form.

"Irina Jelavić..WOAH she is a total hottie! And she is amazing. I want to her protégé!" (Y/n) had never met someone so young and beautiful doing such dangerous work. "Now I'm excited! Ok that's all for me right?"

"Yes, you may go."

"Bye." She takes the papers and leaves.
'Now time to put these in my bag!'

"(Y/n) there you are! Why aren't you on the roof?" Shu popped pop out of nowhere and was walk to her.

"Ah sorry! I wasn't feeling good." She was quick to hide the paper. "The nurse recommended I go see my doctor."
She grabs Asano arm and hugs it.

"Hm" he puts his hand on her forehead. "You're a bit warm but I don't think it's anything serious." He sighs. "Go get your food so we can eat. hurry!"

"Yes sir" she blushes as she walks away. 'He caresss! This traitor thing is totally worth it!"

Traitor ~ karma x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now