The past

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A/n : As a side note '...' means thinking bold is a narrator -..- is actions [...] is whispering <....> is shouting

As the sun shone through your curtains you lifted yourself off your bed as you let out a groan

Y/n : -groans- Fucking school... at least there's no uniform like other schools in this area of Japan

you slowly got up from your bed and got changed into your outfit for the day

you slowly got up from your bed and got changed into your outfit for the day

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ignore the cake..

Y/n : Time to go I guess....

as you were walking to school you didn't notice a speeding truck coming around the corner but you swiftly turned your head in time and jumped backwards

Y/n : I am not going out like that

You carried on your walk to school ignore the looks of pedestrians that had noticed what you just did...

Y/n : 'I feel invincible'

As you made it to school you went straight to class when...

Y/n : Hey Stacey

Stacey : Hey N/n, how was your morning

Y/n : Well I nearly got hit by a truck

Stacey : -shocked- WHAT DO YOU MEAN "NEARLY"

As Stacey said that all the class turned their heads to know what you guys are talking about...

Y/n : Exactly what I said NEARLY got hit by a truck I noticed before it could hit me though

Everyone : ARE YOU OK MATE?! / WHAT THE FUCK MAN / Idiot...

Y/n : Honestly I was happy I didn't die trucks are so old fashioned 

Stacey : How would you like to die then -she asked sarcastically-

Y/n : I don't know but at my funeral i want 5 italian guys in black suit telling me that my mission was done


Y/n : I kno-


As everyone scurries around like little rats looking for cheese to their seat the Teacher (Mrs. Lee) that there's an announcement 

Mrs. Lee : As most of you know we have a field trip in 2 days to {insert place name}

T/S two days later

A/n : This COULD be sensitive to some readers so please continue with caution as it gets a bit bloody... it's not long so yeah

On the bus to the location of the field trip

Driver : 'stupid kids... Stupid peop-' -passes out-

Everyone : WHAT THE FU-

The bus soon speeds up ramming into other cars and soon the bus gets sent flying off a hill as it slams against the rocky mountainous landscape a crimson liquid gets send flying all over the bus

Y/n : 'Fuck half the people are dead alre-'

The bus continues and continues until everyone was seen crumbled and mangled in all shapes and sizes with guts spread across the scene everyone missing at least something from their physical appearance some people eyes others legs etc. the screams of people slowly fading into the abyss as they die from damage to their lungs causing them to drown on their own blood... but one person is not dead yet but slowly dying a painful and cold death I guess no guys in black suits for them...

Y/n : 'why does it hurt so damn much I never want to experience pain or death again it's so cold but warm at the same time'

?? : Pain resistance acquired, immortality acquired, heat resistance acquired, coldness resistance acquired.... asking permission for temperature resistance..... Denied.... repeating.... Denied..... Repeating..... Temperature resistance acquired.

Y/n : 'I've always wanted to be strong how do I die like this i feel so useless and like a burden'

?? : immortal strength acquired....

Y/n : 'I just want to be in peace with everything around me but cast a dark aura among my enemies.... I want to be the strongest...'

?? : Peace maker acquired.... Asking permission for incomparable strength... DENIED.... Repeating... DENIED.... Repeating... Incomparable strength acquired...

Y/n : 'It feels like I'm burning from the inside... I wish I was a Dragon they are so cool and they don't have to deal with burning or freezing...'

?? : Fire resistance acquired, ice resistance acquired, earth resistance acquired.... asking permission to evolve into elemental resistance..... Accepted... asking permission to be transformed into a Dragon with unmatchable power.... DENIED..... Repeating... Accepted...

Y/n : 'Who is talking to me? I mean I don't mind... If I do get reincarnated or something like that I want someone to talk to so I don't get lonely...'

?? : Unique skill MICHEAL acquired....

Y/n : 'I feel like I'm gonna die any second now'

As soon as he says that a black abyss consumes him as he in put into what he thinks is a everlasting sleep

Y/n : -groans- wait- WHAT I'M STILL ALIVE!! wait where the fuck am I?

The next chapter will be published soonish?

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