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Y/n : -groans- wait- WHAT I'M STILL ALIVE!! wait where the fuck am I?

As you look around all you can see is a dark cave illuminated by what look like crystals from a video game

?? : You have been reincarnated into a new world

Y/n : WAIT!! WHO ARE YOU???!!

?? : I am Michael

Michael : An angel from your world that has been appointed to assist you through your endeavours in your new life by explaining everything you do not understand or want to know

Y/n : That's cool, may I ask something?

Michael : Sure what can I help you with?


Michael : You are dragon that can transform into a human at will and right now you are a human

Y/n : Next question. how do I hide an aura or something?

Michael : Do you want me to activate your skill Aura concealer?

Y/n : Yeah if possible 

After more questioning

Y/n : Last question... where is the exit?

Michael : If you head straight forwards you will find the door

Y/n : Thanks

You start to walk straight ahead an being an idiot you didn't put your arms in front of you so you end up walking straight into the door

Y/n : Ouch wait why don't I feel pain?

Michael : Before your appearance in this world you wish to be the strongest am I correct?

Y/n : Something like that I guess

Michael : Well than walking into a wall won't hurt then.

Y/n : True

You open the door feeling like an idiot you close your eyes immediately as you didn't expect the sudden light 

Michael : Idiot

Y/n : I forgot to ask you something

Michael : what is it?

Y/n : is there anyone else who has reincarnated into this world

Michael : many but only one is a monster like you, he lives not far up that path

Y/n : thanks

T/S for my lazy ass when you got to the place

Y/n : Damn i didn't expect this...

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