JESUS FU-! a kid?

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The next day

Y/n : -Yawns- morning new world

In your mind

Y/n : Morning guys!

Velzard : How the fuck are you so happy?

Veldora : Better question why the fuck are you awake at 6am

Y/n : I felt like it... nahh just kidding my fucking muscle memory is used to me getting up at thi time so I just gonna piss you just off.

In "real" life

Y/n : Fuck this room I'm going outside

You stand up and walk out the door accidently stomping a bit

Y/n : I hate the morning so much

Rimuru : Good morning to y-


Rimuru : -Slams his HAND on your mouth- shhh people are sleeping

Y/n : -Removes Rimurus hand off your mouth- You scared the shit out of me

Rimuru : Like I was saying good morning to you

Y/n : Morning.

In your mind again

Velzard : Y/n you have a "thing" flying full speed to the federation

Y/n : What is it?

Veldora : My niece

Y/n : A KID

In "real" life

Y/n : Sorry one second

You say as you grow huge jet black wings and launch in the sky

Y/n : Stop.

?? : -Abruptly stops- who are you?

Y/n : Why do you want to know?

?? : Because you're in my way to visit my best friend

Y/n : Oh you mean Rimuru?

?? : Yep -she smiles widely-

Y/n : So you're Milim

Milim : How did you k-

You drag her down to the ground and make your wings disappear

Y/n : Rimuru you have a visitor named Milim Nava who wants something

Rimuru : O- WAIT MILIM?!

Y/n : Shhh

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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