Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Michelle went to school the next day, wearing a hat, he had his backpack filled with books. Then a guy walks up behind him and grabs the backpack, Michelle turns around. Michelle, worried about his backpack, says "give that back Micha".

Micha laughs and he mocks him "give that back micha, who do you think you are talking to"? Micha then throws his back pack to, to other bullies that was with him. Michelle was jumping up and down trying to catch his bag.

Michelle's backpack then rips open and all his books fell out. Micha laughs and says "oops, sorry about that Michelle the emo ridgel". Michelle then jumps and lands on micha hearing something break. As they both get off the ground micha, giving off that he is pissed, says "alright, since you fell on me and broke my glasses, me, you flagpole 3 o'clock".

Michelle then sighs with aggravation and then says "you really don't wanna do that micha, you really don't wanna piss me off". Micha then laughs and says "whatever loser, your gonna get your ass beat at 3 after school". Michelle, ignoring what he says then walks away.

Micha then laughs and says "he isn't gonna show he is to weak to fight". Michelle over hears micha as he is walking away. He smiles with a vial smile, then continues to class. It wasn't long till the whole school heard about the fight.

3 o'clock comes around and micha was waiting for Michelle to show. No one was around and his buddies went to practice for the football team. Michelle shows up to the flagpole. Micha laughs and says "well looks like you have some balls on you after all". Michelle, standing there looking clueless, then says "you really don't wanna do this micha".

Micha then laughs and says "why the hell not?! You broke my $3,000 glasses you asshole"! Michelle says "trust me you don't want to get on my bad side". Micha, clinging his fist till he bled, says "you know you owe me"! Michelle, in his normal voice,  says "I don't owe you shit

Micha then gets really pissed and then charges at Michelle. He swings and Michelle dodges, then kicks micha in the jaw causing him to fall to the ground. Micha, sits up on the ground, says "what the hell?! How can you fight? Your just some emo punk wannabe"!

Michelle then smiles with a vial smile, then says "well I told you micha you shouldn't have picked this fight. Your gonna loose right here and right know"! Micha then has fear come across his face, Michelle starts walking towards him and he starts to back away.

Micha in fear says "who the hell are you?! Your not who you was a few minutes ago"! Michelle laughs with his vial smile says "if you only knew micha, if you only knew what this "emo wannabe" went through you wouldn't have bullied me"!

Micha then starts backing off and says "please man I'm sorry I won't bother you anymore. I won't bully you anymore". Michelle laughs uncontrollably and says "it's a little late for an apology micha".

Then Michelle grabs Michelle and climbs the flagpole, puts micha on the tip of the flagpole. He stands on micha and then says "you have any last words micha"? Micha says "please man don't kill me, I'm really am sorry". Michelle says "yeah your definitely sorry, actually your gonna be".

Michelle then jumped up and slammed micha's body on the top and his body slid down the pole as blood and intestines are hung at the top. Michelle says to himself "you really shouldn't have pissed me off micha, we could have been good friends".

Michelle then walks away from the flagpole and heads home for the day. He washes his cloths and showers to wash off micha's blood off of him. He then hears a knock at the door.

Killer that no one knew حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن