Chapter 1

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The tireless bass buzzes through the packed area, throwing everything into a mad dance of neon lights. Bodies sway to the pace of the music, and the air smells of sweat and sweet fruity drinks.

It is a busy Saturday night, and the college's exclusive club is packed with college students looking to escape the stresses of their daily life. The energy in the room is downright contagious. The lights are flashing like a disco on steroids, and the bass is pounding so hard that I half expect the floor to collapse beneath us.

I wait behind the bright club lights, anxiously scanning the crowd for my boyfriend, Damien. Still, I dance and try not to get frustrated as the minutes pass without him. I keep moving while people watch, hoping Damien will come soon.

My phone suddenly flashes with a text from Damien as I am getting down to the music. It is the usual, "Sorry, babe, can't make it tonight," excuse. A wave of disappointment sweeps over me, but I wasn't going to let the evening end in vain. I make my way to the bar, hoping to turn this disappointment into a good time. But before I can even order a drink, this overzealous dude sways over, looking like he just stumbled out of a frat party.

"Hello, lovely! How about you and I show these fools how to dance properly?" His beer breath hits me like a blow in the nose, and I can't help but take a back step.

"Thank you, but I'm fine," I answer, trying not to vomit.

"Aw, come on, don't do that! Let's make this night unforgettable." He grabs my wrist, and tries to pull me back onto the dance floor.

"Stay away from her!" A tall figure steps forward, his grip firm on the blonde guy's wrist, effortlessly freeing me.

"Fuck! The blonde guy curses loudly before stumbling away, defeated by the stranger's presence.

"Are you ok? The stranger asks, turning to me, his noticeably stunning emerald eyes filled with concern.

"Yea," I respond with an appreciative smile.

"I'm Dax from the Economics Department," he adds with a beautiful smile.

"Ohh... I mumble more to myself than to him."I'm Maeve.

"Yeah... Maeve Caddel. "Who does not know you?" He speaks loudly, and I can't help but laugh. Regardless, he's right. Who doesn't know Maeve Caddel, the campus queen with the seemingly perfect life and super-wealthy boyfriend?

"How are things doing with your boyfriend, Damien? He inquires as we seat on the barstools.

"Great! I say, and the bartender delivers us our drinks. It's a blend of smooth rum, fresh pineapple juice, and a hint of coconut cream served over ice with a wedge of pineapple on top.

"It tastes great!" I say, enjoying the sweetness of the cocktail.

"Yeah, it does," Dax answers. "But I might have something a bit better."

Dax makes a gesture toward the bartender in a low voice that I am unable to hear. The mixologist nods and begins blending a fresh concoction. I watch with fascination as a flurry of bright colors fills the glass.

"What is it?" I look up, wondering.

Dax responds with a cheeky smile,"Wait and see."

The bartender lays it in front of me; it's a layered mixture of purple and blue that glows in the club lights.

"It's called the Midnight Mirage, Dax explains. "Try it."

The flavors burst onto my tongue as soon as I take a cautious sip: acidic citrus, sweet berry hints, and a little of punch at the finish. Everything I've ever taken is unlike this.

"Wow, this is great!" I exclaim.

"Happy you like it," Dax remarks, his emerald eyes sparkling with contentment. "Thought you could use a little pick-me-up."

Hours pass while we laugh and talk. My first worries are always removed by Dax's lovely smile and funny comments, which always put me at rest. The talks of the evening cover a wide range of topics, from embarrassing childhood memories to favorite movies

When the bartender brings out more drinks, I see Dax's stares at me a little longer than usual. He suddenly changes his attitude. His emerald eyes lose some of their previous warmth as he draws in closer, but they gain an intensity that disturbs me.

"You know, Maeve, I've been wanting to do this all night," he says in a hushed tone. He tries to kiss me before I can say anything.

My heart pounding, I shove him away impulsively. "Dax, what the hell? I thought we were just having fun."

Reaching for my arm, he adds, "I'm sorry." "I thought you felt it too."

I yank myself free from his grasp.  "Well, you thought wrong," I yell. "I’m out of here." I storm out, slicing through the crowded area.

Dax chases after me, but as I push among the dancing crowd, the club's bright lights and deafening music start to mix together and he loses me.

Walking out of the noisy club, the chilly wind outside provides a welcome break from the heat of the dance floor, sending goosebumps down my spine as it caresses my skin. With each breath, I inhale the intoxicating scent of the night air—a combination of perfume, sweat, and excitement—which energizes and makes me feel alive.

I suddenly get a strange feeling, but I can't figure out why. The night is peaceful outside, but inside, my body feels like it's buzzing with electricity, and my senses are increased by an unknown sensation. I keep replaying memories in my head, and they seem more intense than usual. My skin is heated and sensitive, and I can't shake the urge for intimacy.

I try to make sense of what is going on, feeling confused and disoriented. Did I overdrink? No, something is off. It had to be Dax. He must have spiked my drink. In spite of all of this, I choose to stay put for the time being, hoping that whatever is affecting me would pass quickly. But, deep down, I'm curious about what's causing this strange feeling.

I collapse into the passenger seat of my car, a feeling of exhaustion washing over me, my body sliding into the plush upholstery as I close my eyes. But just as I'm about to fall asleep peacefully, I hear the unmistakable sound of heavy footsteps approaching. My pulse skips a beat, adrenaline rushes through my veins as I sit up straight, my senses on high alert.

The door opens with a creak before I can respond, letting in dim light from the parking lot. I get shivers down my spine as a tall figure stands at the doorway, its face hidden in darkness.

"Hey there," a deep voice rumbles, the words dripping with amusement. "Mind if I join you?"

I blink in surprise, my mind racing as I try to make sense of the situation. Who is this stranger, and why did he approach me in the parking lot's darkness? I attempt to scream, but two thick hands close over my mouth before I can say anything. Panic overtakes me as I struggle against the stranger's grip, the sound of my muted protests drowned out by the hammering of my heart in my chest.

In that moment, fear grips me like a vice, squeezing the breath from my lungs as I realize the gravity of the situation.

Is this it? Is this how it ends?
Am I really going to die like this?

Trapped in the car with an unknown man, all I can do is pray for a way out of the darkness threatening to consume me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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