2. Irony Of Fate

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"It can not be!" Bae shouted, without meaning to, and immediately all attention was on her.

"What's the matter, Baeji?" Jinyoung asked her worriedly.

"I... It's just that it's not right to have new members join the club after already two weeks of lessons. These are procedures that are done before the start of school" Bae replied, stumbling slightly on her own feet due to the nervous outburst just had.

"I asked first and they told me it could be done. And then isn't it up to you to decide who can join and who can't, or maybe you bought the club and I missed out?" Jiwoo retorted harshly.

The raven-haired girl got on her nerves. She talked too much and clung to unnecessary details.
"Or maybe I forgot that your father finances the school" Bae stated through gritted teeth, making Jiwoo raise an eyebrow.

"What a shame not to be in my position, right Jinsol? You would like it" the brunette winked, and Bae clenched her fists until her knuckles turned white.
If her kindness was in proportion to her beauty, then we would be better friends, Jiwoo mused.

"I bet you can't even act! Come on, what the hell is this one doing?! She definitely signed up because it's the lightest club in school and she knows she can screw around all she wants" Bae exclaimed, furious.

She couldn't come here and think she was going to steal the show. Theater was Bae's thing, she had been at it practically since her junior year. And Jiwoo was never interested in even being seen around.
Why all this interest now, why only just after the last year?

In all this train of thought she hadn't noticed that some tears had started to fall down the youngest girl's cheeks and her lower lip was trembling
Bae felt a pain in her stomach, sudden and unexpected feelings of guilt took over her.

"I.. It's not fair for you to treat me like that," she stuttered, choking back a sob.

"Wait.. I" Bae tried to say, as a girl comes over to console Jiwoo.

Bae really felt like crap and was about to apologize to Jiwoo, but stopped when she saw her quickly wipe away her tears and compose herself in less than a couple of seconds.

"So, 'Cate Blanchett', is this demonstration enough for you to judge my acting skills?" she asked, resuming her usual victorious and pedantic look, which replaced the distraught expression of just before in a flash.

Bae gasped, unable to even form a meaningful sentence, and she heard excited applause. It was Jinyoung.

"Wow, you surprised me. Congratulations, Kim. You know what you're doing, I'd give you an Emmy on the spot if you only had one!" he exclaimed, before bursting into laughter, followed closely by his students.

Everyone except Bae, who continued to stare at Jiwoo with an incredulous and angry look, refusing to accept her presence in that club.

Throughout the lesson, Bae kept a very safe distance from Jiwoo, who didn't even notice her, too busy enjoying the 'newcomer' attentions of the whole company.

It was the first time Bae prayed with all her heart for it to end quickly.

And when the bell rang, Bae threw her backpack over her shoulder and left the auditorium without even saying goodbye.

Waiting for her at the exit she found her friends, already in front of Sullyoon's car.

"Let's get out of here," Bae stated, as Sullyoon opened the car to get into the driver's seat. Bae sat in the back with Kyujin, and Haewon sat next to Sullyoon.

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