7. "Couple" Dynamic

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Several days passed since that strange afternoon at the theater, and Bae did nothing but think about it.

She felt an undeniable connection with Jiwoo as she listened to her play the piano, as if for a moment all the defensive barriers built against each other had been torn down.

Of course, Bae hadn't had a chance to talk about it with Jiwoo, nor would she have wanted to.
She was calm with the idea that the youngest wouldn't even imagine her little exception to the rule, otherwise who knows what belief she would have had in her head.


The voice that dominated her thoughts sounded behind her, causing her to almost slam into the locker door. She turned casually towards the Korean, trying to hide her surprise at seeing her approach her.

The corridor was empty, the students were already all in their classes, but the two apparently were late.
"You have to stop with this nickname... It annoys me" she replied boredly.
"Well? I like it, so it's not my problem."
Jiwoo shrugged, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Bae rolled his eyes.

"Where did you leave your gang of monkeys?"
"They don't always come after me, I'm not Elizabeth II"
Bae raised an eyebrow, as if to prove exactly the opposite.

"Anyway... I've been thinking about what Jinyoung told us last week and I think we're wasting our time, basically."
"What do you mean?" Bae asked confused.
"If we want to show Jinyoung that we can work well together, we should roll up our sleeves.
So come to my house this afternoon so we can start working on our relationship dynamics."


That word uttered with such confidence by Jiwoo made Bae grimace in displeasure.
Sure, we were talking about work, but it was still strange.

"I guess that's not an invitation," Bae joked.
"No, it's not. Four o'clock. You know where I live" Jiwoo winked, then turned and walked away as if nothing had happened.

Bae sighed.
Going to Jiwoo's house...
Now that was beautiful.

There had only been one time, by mistake, dragged by Kyujin at a party in perfect Kim style, in her second year. She had sworn to herself that it would never happen again.

She leaned her head against the locker door, hitting it repeatedly with his forehead.

Then, once she composed herself, she collected her books and went to class.

"We're at Haewon's house this afternoon, DiCaprio movie marathon" Kyujin announced as they left school.
"You're there, right Bae?" Sullyoon asked excitedly.

Bae swallowed.

"Um.. Not actually"
"What?! Bae Jinsol missing a Leonardo DiCaprio movie marathon? The world is about to end," Yoona said in disbelief.

More or less, he thought wryly.

"I have to accompany Hyein to dance and stay with her because my parents aren't there" he said, inventing a quite plausible lie.
He could never tell them that he was going to Jiwoo Kim's house...
Just the idea of ​​Bae speaking to her had sparked an almost uproar among her friends.

Haewon and Kyujin, in particular, hated her. It would have been a low blow for Bae to 'fraternize with the enemy'.
But the truth was that Bae wasn't fraternizing at all.
It was a school duty, for the good of the end-of-year show and the whole company.

"What a drag... I'm sorry. We'll do it another time then" Kyujin said, understanding.
"Go figure, I won't be offended if you get together without me" he chuckled "I understand that I'm the soul of the fests and all, though"

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