Chapter Seven

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 A few more days had passed. Weatherfall practiced swimming every day, and had even started going on hunting and border patrols. He felt like he was getting the hang of life in Waterclan.

However, Froststar approached him one day, anger burning in his amber eyes.

"I had to make up excuses to Snowclan!" He hissed. "Two Snowclan Warriors came to the border a few days ago, and they said they tracked your scent here!"

"What!?" Weatherfall cried, his eyes wide. "Who were they?"

"Cowfur, the new deputy, and a black she-cat," Froststar said.

Weatherfall's stomach dropped. Stormsplash! Was she on to him?

"I kept dodging their questions," Froststar continued, "and at the gathering a few days ago, I remained silent as Marshstar reported that you were missing. I can't keep doing this, Weatherfall!"

"I know I know," Weatherfall said swiftly. He obviously hadn't gone to the gathering, and he wasn't surprised that Froststar had been hesitant to talk to Snowclan. "Thank you for not telling anyone about me," he continued. "Like you said, I'll go to the next gathering, I..."

With a hiss, Froststar lashed out his claws and scratched Weatherfall's face. Weatherfall stumbled back, claw marks down his eye, blood dripping onto the ground. With a flash, he remembered striking Stormsplash before he had run away. How could he have been so cruel?

Froststar hissed at Weatherfall, but then relaxed. He looked tired and sad. "I'm sorry," he muttered quickly. "I don't want to lie to the Clans, but I'm helping you because I know how you're feeling. So many cats died fighting the Wolves, I wanted to return Snowclan's favor by helping you. But I can't do this forever."

"I know that," Weatherfall said, blinking the pain from his eye. He was suddenly scared of Froststar, even though the Leader was risking everything to help him.

"As I was saying, I'll go to the next gathering and tell Snowclan that I'm staying here," Weatherfall continued. "If you let me, of course. You won't be blamed for anything, it was all me. You weren't lying to them, you were just waiting. Waiting for me. It has to be me. I have to tell them." His stomach sank. Would he tell them? Definitely not the truth about Rockflight!

"I know," Froststar murmured. "But if Cowfur and the other cat come back here asking questions... you might have to tell them sooner."

Weatherfall's heart sank. He didn't want to face Stormsplash again.

"Go get patched up," Froststar contuined. "I'm sorry I scratched you, I just..." He turned around and walked away, muttering to himself. He did that a lot. There was clearly a lot going on in his mind. He was holding the Clan together after the attack, but struggling to hold himself together.

He's a good Leader, Weatherfall thought. I owe him so much. He didn't hold it against Froststar for lashing out at him, figurative and literally. His eye stung, but he knew it would heal.

Weatherfall crossed to the medicine den and entered. He was getting used to where everything was in the clearing now. He realized that he liked Waterclan.

Inside the den, Corntooth was sorting herbs. The yellow cat looked up when Weatherfall entered.

"Great Starclan!" Corntooth gasped when he saw the claw marks across Weatherfall's eye. "Did you get into a fight?"

"No," Weatherfall admitted. "It was Froststar. We got into an argument, and..."

"You fought the Clan leader?" Corntooth gasped.

"Not exactly," Weatherfall said. "He attacked me."

"Oh dear," Icepaw said, shaking his head. The small white tom reminded Weatherfall so much of Briarpaw, and that made Weatherfall sad.

Corntooth gave Weatherfall some herbs and a leaf wrap for his eye, and told him to wear it for a few days. Feeling silly, Weatherfall left the den.

"Ugh, you're still here," Pebbleheart mewed from the center of the camp. The brown and gray she-cat rolled her eyes. "I thought you'd be gone by now."

"I'm proving myself," Weatherfall said, standing his ground.

"I don't think Froststar wants you here," Pebbleheart said slyly. "If he did, he wouldn't have scratched you, now would he?"

Weatherfall felt hot with embarrassment. Had the whole Clan seen that? Pebbleheart is annoying, he thought. I guess there will always be a cat that gets on my nerves, no matter which Clan I'm in...

Like Rockflight and Stormsplash, and Lightpaw and Brightpaw...

With a pain, Weatherfall remembered that two of those she-cats were dead.

He hadn't hated any of them, he had been the annoying one. He knew that now... but it was too late to do anything about it.

"Hi," Owlstripe meowed, joining him. "I saw what happened. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Weatherfall said swiftly.

"Froststar means well," Owlstripe said gently.

"I know," Weatherfall grumbled. "He told me he's still grieving. Everyone is, and I know tensions are high right now... I probably should have gone to the last gathering and told Snowclan then. I just..."

"You need time," Owlstripe said. Weatherfall nodded. He was glad the deputy understood him.

"Come on," Owlstripe meowed. "Let's go train with Penguinpaw and Swirlpaw."

"Okay," Weatherfall said. He still felt undignified being an apprentice again, but he knew he had to ride it out. If he proved himself by the next gathering, would Froststar let him join?

Once again, he thought about the inevitable moment when he'd have to tell Snowclan that he was alive and living in Waterclan. How would they take it? Would they realize he had killed Rockflight? Did Cowfur and Stormsplash already know? They had come to Waterclan by following his scent, the very thing Weatherfall was afraid would happen.

Will they come back?

If they did, he knew he would have to face them prematurely.

He could do it, he realized, but he'd also have to face himself. And that was something he wasn't ready for.

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