Chapter Eight

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Stormsplash sat outside the Warrior's den, looking around at the cats in the Snowclan clearing. She was waiting for Cowfur so they could talk about their next move.

They hadn't told anyone else about their suspicions yet, and had discussed their thoughts in private. It had been a few days since Cowfur had suggested that Weatherfall had something to do with Rockflight's death.

Is it true? Stormsplash thought, a pit in her stomach. Because if Weatherfall really was alive, why hadn't he returned to Snowclan?

So either he's dead or he's still out there somewhere, she thought, the latter making her shiver. Because if he's still alive, why wouldn't he come back home?

Cowfur crossed the clearing and joined her, sitting at her side.

"Sorry I'm late, Rain," he muttered. "I was doing deputy duties and..."

Stormsplash laughed, "Rain?" she asked. "That's not my name!"

"Well, it's like a nickname," Cowfur explained, letting out a mrrow of laughter. "Because your name is "storm" and 'splash', it's like rain, right? Sorry," he said quickly.

"No, I like it!" Stormsplash laughed. But then her face fell. "So... what should we do?"

"Well, you could give me a nickname too..."

"No! About the investigation!" Stormsplash said quickly.

"Oh, right," Cowfur said, licking his chest fur in embarrassment. "Well, do you think it's true? Do you think Weatherfall was involved in Rockflight's death?"

"There are two ways this could have happened," Stormsplash said, voicing the same thoughts she had been thinking. "Either he was in the accident, and died alongside Rockflight, or he caused the accident. After all, both of their scents were at the Rockfall, but only Weatherfall's veered towards Waterclan. And we never found his body..." she trailed off, seeing Rockflight's corpse in her mind again. Her friend's death still hurt, even now.

"But why Waterclan?" Cowfur asked.

"Either they were involved in Rockflight's death too," Stormsplash started, "or they know something about it... you saw how nervous Froststar looked when we asked him. Something's going on there..."

"I think we should tell Marshstar," Cowfur decided suddenly.

"Are you sure?" Stormsplash said timidly. It was a big claim.

"Yes," Cowfur said. "I'm the deputy, I kinda have to tell her. She could help us get to the bottom of this... besides, she'd want to know."

"Okay," Stormsplash said at last. "Let's go."

They crossed the clearing to where Marshstar was talking to Darkstorm.

Good, my father will want to know too, Stormsplash thought as she and Cowfur joined the senior Warriors.

"Hi, Stormsplash," Darkstorm greeted her. He dipped his head to Cowfur. "What's up?"

"We have something to tell you," Cowfur mewed, looking at Marshstar.

Marshstar and Darkstorm exchanged sly looks.

"What?" Stormsplash asked.

"I think I know what it is," Darkstorm said. "You two are together, aren't you?"

"What!?" Stormsplash cried, blushing. "No!"

"You have been spending a lot of time together," Marshstar commented, a gleam in her blue eyes.

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