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You may find a person so difficult to deal with, sometimes so uptight, mean, rude, pushover and maybe you may think that they wanted to be that way or that's what they are but the truth is life, past, family situations and how a person is raised shaped them that way.

There are hideous trauma people are suffering from amd right now are in the stage of self sabotaging.

There is a sense of freedom a person is craving since they have been controlled all their life.

Others want to be independent since they were moulded to depend much on others.

And that when you offered a hand to a person and they denied it doesn't mean that they don't trust you enough to let you help them but they are used to take care their own matter since they were little and take care of their elder's.

Our family background, our parents and our upbringing  made who we are.

You may like it or not but the way we were raised, family situations and past experiences contribute much to who we are right now.

Obviously you can't go around asking how a person he or she was raised or learn all the battle they fought but try to make efforts and be patient with them.

I know it's hard to understand and I don't ask you to understand because other things won't be understandable but may you not jump into conclusions and assumptions of how they did that!?

Instead of assuming it's better to ask because if you don't you won't get the exactly answer but you'll merely interpret from your point of view.

Let be kind and patient to each other because we all fought battles no one knew about.

May GOD help us to heal😩may we allow ourselves to be healed😌.

Take care dearest 💋

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