10. Tu Misterioso Alguien

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Tu Misterioso Alguien - Miranda

"Hay alguien en tu vida que está transformándote
Hay alguien que ha cambiado en ti la forma en que te ves
Hay alguien nuevo que se apareció y que tu corazón robó
Ya lo sé, solo dime quién es
¿Quién es tu nuevo amor, tu nueva ocupación, tu misterioso alguien?
¿A quién has ocultado de mí todo el tiempo para no matarme?"

Beep. Beep. Beep!

"Please tell me... it's the final level... I can't no more." Rapid breaths interrupted every phrase I could muster to say. My lungs working overtime in seek to bring more oxygen to my exhausted body

"Por dios Jona dime que terminamos."

It was somewhat comforting knowing that Ona Batlle was in the same state as me: sweat was trickling like waterfalls down our bodies, our legs begged us to stop running for they burned and our torsos hurt from expanding so quickly

Training had longed finished and I can't decide what was more challenging; that hour and a half long training where I gave my hundred and thirty percent in an attempt to impress everyone, or the awfully, draining and never ending beep test that Jona decided the new signings should do.

Thankfully he let us two hours of rest and time to eat something light before making me run more than thirty pitches. Or that's when my mind couldn't count no longer.

"That was it girls!" When the little man (our manager that I admired deeply) approached us I almost fell to my knees. "I'm extremely impress. Can't believe you completed it all even after training."

Ona was perched down grabbing her legs while trying to regulate her breathing. I think I didn't sit on the grass because I doubted of my ability to get up. When we thanked him our voices came so breathy I thought they were whispers

"Go on then, get to the showers and go home. Don't forget to rest please." We nodded as we watched him leave, however he then stopped and turned around. "I want you recovered for this weekend. I like to give you some minutes, so please rest up."

I didn't think I can process what he just said in the state I'm in. I should probably be internally screaming, dying to finally get to the weekend and wear this crest in front of the whole Johan Cruyff. Instead I just nodded along Ona's head and I started my centimeter by centimeter walk to the changing room.

With my head hang low I entered what should've been an empty room. However as I opened the door a round of applause was heard that made me quickly look up. Let's add to my pain list: whiplash

"Onas! That was amazing. Congratulations for passing the first day." Marta was the first to appear before my eyes, palming my aching shoulders with a force that made me flinch

"Why does it sound like a military camp?" They chuckled and bickered some more about their first time doing that horrendous drill while I dragged my feet to my cubby

With a tud I collapsed on the seat surrounded by Nike's bags and boxes. They had send me some pair of boots however all the rest was curtesy of FC Barcelona's shop. I have to remember to send them a thanks since they surely had gave me half of their store.

"I don't think I have run that long since..." My words died on my throat as I became unable to think when was the last time I had been this exhausted.

I sighed and let my head fall on my hands. The image I wanted the team to see of me was the opposite of this drained little girl I was showing them. They probably think that if I'm dying already in the first day I was a waste of time and money.

Crush - Leah WilliamsonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora