17. Hold On

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Hold On - Chord Overstreet

"Loving and fighting, accusing, denying
I can't imagine a world with you gone
The joy and the chaos, the demons we're made of
I'd be so lost if you left me alone"

I never broke a bone as a kid even though my favorite hobby was to climb trees. I never had a cough that lasted more than a week even though I loved to play outside without a jacket. I never passed out even though I had gotten wasted more than enough times.

I never had traveled on an ambulance, being lucky enough to never need one. I had never experienced a fear as paralyzing as I was feeling right now. The uncertainty, the questions, the pain.

Alexia's voice the last one I heard before my legs couldn't hold me anymore and my brain couldn't disguise its hurt. The feeling of her arms on my skin and the panic in which her chest rose up and down the last ones I felt as I drifted away.

Her hand on mine what I clutched hardly when the lights above me passed rapidly. Her studs resonating on the echoed hallway as she kept the nurse's pace.

"Estaras bien pequeña. Vas a estar bien." Her words mere mutters that felt almost like prayers to my ringing ears

"No, Ona. Open your eyes!" But it was too late and the need to sleep too tempting to avoid

Eventually my eyes did open but the pain that brought me made me instantly close them again. The brightness of the room was turned to a maximum, my usual sensitive eyes blinded. I groaned when I tried to cover my closed eyes with my hand, only to realize the mere action of moving felt impossible

Was all this product of an impact with a player?

"Oh, you're awake. Let me bring them in, they've been quite... energetic about it." Squinting one eye open I made up the image of a small nurse wearing a blue attire. Before I was able to even register her presence and words she was out of the room


Rapid footsteps. Voice's above a whisper. The lights dimming down completely

Thankful for the action I opened both eyes taking some time to adjust to now a room dark enough to harden my attempt on figuring out who the four woman standing before me were.

My mind was a completely blur. I remember finishing the game and Alexia's stern words however that's the last memory I have before I woke up on this room wearing a weird looking robe


A voice impossible to miss, her hands finding one of mine intimately after my approbatory groan


Ah, of course.

"Hey." Between coughs I was able to get a single word out, my throat too dry and close up to do more

"Drink that. It will help with the swelling and the pain." The third figure and the one standing near the door came forward, a finger pointing beside Alexia where a painkiller and water laid


My face contorted in discomfort as I took the tablet straight from Ale's fingers, her other hand never leaving mine. It appears my furrowed brows were enough for the fourth person on the room to speak up

"You don't remember anything, do you niña?" Her worrying voice always so bubbly brought a smile to my face. It was not all days that you got to see Mapi León on the brink of tears

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