Prologue - We're Going on a Monster Hunt!

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Location: Y/n's House - Uptown Creation City


It was another normal day here at Y/n's house and he, Mario, Jeffy and Brooklyn T. Guy are all hanging out like bros as they planned to watch a movie today to pass the time today while drinking a few bottles of Nuka Cola and some McDonalds to eat while they watch the movie.

Y/n: Man, this is a great day.

Mario: Same here, brother.

Jeffy: Yeah, we got us some Mickey D's!

Brooklyn Guy: Yeah, thanks for inviting me here, guys. It's better than to sit down on my couch at home and watch another Miami Heat game while my wife Karen starts annoying the shit out of me till I blow my brains out.

Y/n: No problem, buddy. What movie should we watch today?

Brooklyn Guy: I think we should watch a comedy movie and I got this movie that is hilariously bad. We should watch 80 for Brady. We can take a shot of Extra Strength Nuka Cola for every time it sucks.

Mario: Good idea. I think we might crash from all of the sugar from the Nuka Cola in the first 10 minutes.

Y/n: Ok. I'll go put in the movie. I mean, how bad can this movie be?

Timeskip - 10 Minutes Later

After 10 whole minutes of watching the movie, the four of them are not enjoying it and regret watching this movie.

Y/n: (Unhappy) I regret saying anything good about this movie.

Mario: (Unhappy) I hate my life.

Jeffy: (Unhappy) This movie is gay as horseshit!

Brooklyn Guy: (Unhappy) Guys. I think movie is giving me AIDS. I-I think if I took a blood test right now, I would test positive for AIDS. My spine hurts. I feel like I'm getting the flu

Y/n: They should take away one of his Super Bowl rings from making this movie.

Mario: I agree.

Brooklyn Guy: At least one.

Then suddenly, Brooklyn Guy's phone started ringing as the Caller ID showed the name, Eugune, who is best friends with his father, who owned a sandwich shop in New York City and it's also where Brooklyn Guy got his name when he was born.

Brooklyn Guy: Hold on guys. My phone is ringing. I wonder what Eugene has to say. (Answers the phone) Hello?

Eugene: Hello? Is this Brooklyn T. Guy?

Brooklyn Guy: Yep. That's me. What's up, Eugene?

Eugene: Oh, I hope I'm not bothering you at this moment.

Brooklyn Guy: No, you're not. I'm just hanging out with my friends, and we were watching 80 for Brady, which we fully regret watching today.

Eugene: I see. Never liked that movie either. Listen, I know this sounds crazy, but I wanted to ask you a favor.

Brooklyn Guy: What favor are you asking about?

Eugene: Well, I know it's been a while since your father I spoke, but something has happened at the mines I've been supervising.

Brooklyn Guy: You don't say, but that's a little hard to believe on what happened at the mines.

Eugene: No, trust me, you'll want to make time for this.

Brooklyn Guy: It depends on if I'm interested or not.

Eugene: Oh it is. Your father is looking for something big to keep his sandwich shop in business.

Brooklyn Guy: Really?

Eugene: Yes, there's something big on that island...Real big.

Brooklyn Guy: How big are we talking about?

Eugene: I'm talking huge, Brookie! A huge monster is terrorizing the island!

Brooklyn Guy: What!? Really?! A monster!?

Eugene: That's right. So many friends, and even my own son, are still out there.

Brooklyn Guy: My God. That's not good.

Eugene: I know. If anyone can bring this thing down, it's you and your friends if they are willing to help out. It'll be the biggest adventure that you and your friends will ever face on the island, and you can help an old friend for your father.

Brooklyn Guy: Can we bring some weapons in case something goes wrong, cause one of my friends is a real expert with weapons including a Shotgun-Minigun.

Eugene: Well, sure. We'll need all of the ammunition we need to stop this monster. Meet me on the docks at sunset.

Brooklyn Guy: Ok then. We'll be there in two shakes of a lamb's tail.

Eugene: Great. I hope you boys are ready for a little monster hunting tonight.

Brooklyn Guy: Ok, see ya, Eugene. (Hangs up the phone)

Y/n: Who was that on the phone, Guy?

Brooklyn Guy: That was my dad's old friend, Eugene. He needs us to go on an island that is under attack by some kind of monster, and it looks like we're going on a monster hunt tonight. You guys up for another adventure or do you want to continue watching this movie.

Mario: No way! I want to go monster hunting!

Y/n: Yes, please! I would rather go hunt down a monster on an island than to watch another second of this stupid movie that deserves to be in a dumpster fire.

Jeffy: Can we grab some more McDonald's on the way over there?

Brooklyn Guy: Yes, I'll drive.

Y/n: But what if you're drunk and you can't drive.

Brooklyn: Well, if I was drunk, I would rather kill a family of six in a fiery car accident than to continue watching this movie.

Y/n: Ok then. Let's grab some weapons from the weapon cache and let's go on a monster hunt!

Brooklyn Guy/Mario/Jeffy: Yeah!

And so, the gang packed up some equipment, some weapons, ammo, food, drinks, etc. and the gang are on their way to the Docks in Spirit Valley Park to meet Eugene to head on over to the island to take down the monster that they are going to hunt down for the thrill of the hunt and adventure.

But once they arrive on the island, they're going to face off against a dangerous bloodthirsty monster that will be one of the most dangerous monsters that the gang will ever face.

Let's hope they be able to defeat this monster before their own creativity and their lives get derailed from the blood covered tracks.

Mindeye Productions




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Written by NeoDracunyan

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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Creativity: Derailed|If SMG5 and Mario was in Choo Choo CharlesWhere stories live. Discover now