"I know it sounds dangerous and stupid but I'll be fine"

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"You think its you?", Hyunjin repeated, giving him a look of surprise. He stares at him doubtfully before his face softens, he turns his head and looks at all of the knocked down trees. What other explanation could they have for this? This shouldn't even be possible.

"What do you mean by that? You got some kind of power?", he asked, crossing his arms and looking at him again. Minho just stared at him, feeling a pit in his stomach. 

 The taller took a step closer to him, his tone no longer harsh or angry, "You have no idea what you did?", he raised his eyebrows, then he stood up straight, his voice wavering slightly, "if you have any sort of abilities you better tell me now".

"I- I don't know how it happened", Minho squeaked, rubbing his palms together a bit as he looked at the space around them.

Hyunjun raised an eyebrow in disbelief, "So you don't even know what your power is? And you managed to do..this".

The brunette bit the inside of his cheek a bit before brushing dirt off of his face, "I don't know",he repeated.

Hyunjin rubs his forehead and looks around, "then how did you do this? Can you..show me again..how you did this?", he hummed, turning around and looking at Minho again.

The boy just stared at him as tears welled in his eyes, "I'm scared", he said weakly.

Hyunjin's eyebrows quickly furrowed and he walked up to Minho again, placing his hand on his shoulder, "whoa, its okay, you have nothing to be afraid of. I'm just trying to see if it was really you or not, okay?",he said in a soft tone, praying that the boy didn't start crying in front of him.

Minho swallowed and then nodded. The other nodded a bit then let his shoulder go, "Can you try to do it again?", he asked, his face filled with curiosity.

'Do..do what?"

The taller blinked at him for a few seconds," oh right, you don't know what you did.", he hummed and looked at his feet in thought, "can you push me or something like that", he pushed his hand out a bit like the other boy did a few minutes ago.

Minho copied what he did hesitantly and nothing happens. Hyunjin poked out his lips a bit before moving a bit closer, "try again"

The brunette complied but still, nothing happened, he let out a sigh, "nothing is happening".

Hyunjin looked down a bit, pursing his lips, "he seemed a bit disappointed, okay then, try to like..throw something to me? Like, something nearby", he looked around at all the debris by them, "try with one of those tree branches."

Minho turned his head to look at the branches, he stared and looked at the branch then he furrowed his eyebrows and turned back with a shrug, "nothing".

Hyunjin squinted and looked at the sky, trying to connect the dots, "hm, so you're saying that..you didn't do anything and the trees just knocked themselves over?", he runs his hand through his hair, "are you sure you didn't cause this?"

"I.. I think I did do something, I just don't know how", Minho corrected.
"Well, what were you doing before it happened?"

"I was trying to get away from you, you were hurting me", the boy furrowed his brows and looked at him.

Hyunjin's brows furrowed as well and he seemed to be deep in thought, "So you were trying to escape me.."

Minho just nodded a bit and placed his hand on his arm as thoughts filled his mind. The other male turns to him. "So you tried to get away..is it possible that you panicked?"

Minho's face straightened out, "I was also angry and..scared". 

Hyunjin's eyes softened and he looked away, "do you think that being scared or angry could've caused this?", he chuckled softly, "maybe you're so powerful that just a mere emotion can cause this".

Minho felt his insides twist as he shrugged at what the younger was saying. He seemed to brush off the fact that he was just seconds away from breaking his limbs. "Well then, I want you to try to push me away again, try to get away from me again. Just to see what happens".

The brunette's eyes widened and he tilted his head in disbelief, "what? I don't want to hurt you though, this isn't safe".

The younger stared at him for a few seconds, even after all of the stuff Hyunjin did to him he was still concerned about hurting him. 

Hyunjin shook his head a bit, "Just try it, I know it sounds dangerous and stupid but I'll be fine".

Minho stared at him before sighing and giving in to the younger request.

Hyunjin smiled a bit, "put all of your anger, fear, and any negative emotion into this, maybe it'll work".

Minho stared for a few seconds, he wasn't sure about how he could do that, "make me mad then",he mumbled.

"Okay..",he looked off to the side, shoving his hands in his pockets as he tries to think of things to say. After a few seconds he looked back at him, "You're weak and you can't do anything besides read your stupid book and you will never succeed in life. You look horrible in that outfit and your hair looks terrible"

Minho's brows furred and he exhaled through his nose, "rude".

The black haired sighed and then chuckled as his brow raised, "oh that wasn't enough? You're a pathetic loser. It makes me laugh to see how utterly useless you are, no one likes you. You're a loner even your best friend would much rather go and hang out with anyone but you".

Minho's eyebrows cowered in before furrowing as he stared at Hyunjin, out of nowhere the boy in front of his flew a few feet back, rolling when he hit the ground again.

Hyunjin stood up and dusted himself off as he laughed, "Yes! There we go. You're pretty strong Minho", he walked back up to Minho, "what else can you do? Do you know what your powers are?" 

to be loved~ hyunhoKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat