"I don't have anything to do either"

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"So Minho where should we start?", Hyunjin asked as they stood in a small clearing on a trail. The latter shrugged, "Umm I don't know, I don't know how to control them, how about you try giving me a task or something?"

"Hmm..a task, huh? Let me thi-I know! Follow me", he shouted, starting to walk quickly. "You know your powers are probably so much more interesting Minho, maybe you can do more with them if you try hard enough, maybe I can show you some of my ideas", he says with confidence as he steps over a branch. Minho follows him speaking in a monotone voice, "Ideas?"

Hyunjins eyes light up in response, "Yes, ideas! I can tell that you have a lot of potential, you're incredibly powerful from what we saw yesterday", he explained and stopped walking once they made it to a small gravel clearing. "Okay, here I want you to close your eyes and imagine a big flame in front of you, just try making a fire".

"I..but I don't wanna burn anything, I don't want to start a forest fire", Minho responded his brows furrowing as he crossed his arms before speaking again, "besides I don't even know if I can do that..".

The taller pauses to think before speaking, "Then..imagine a small flame, but don't hold it back".

The older nodded and looked around, "Can I get something small to light...if it does work that is".

"Alright", Hyunjin began to scan his surroundings as Minho sits on the bench nearby, taking deep breaths. After a few minutes Hyunjin comes back with a few small twigs, he hands them to Minho and watches as the boy sets one on the ground in front of him, staring at it".

"Okay Minho just like we said, a small harmless flame, I believe in you", he hummed in a hopeful tone as he watched the twig intently. "Okay..", Minho closed his eyes and tried to concentrate on that flame. After a few seconds of silence and concentrating he opened his eyes and sighed, "nothing".

Hyunjin kneeled down to MInho and looked at him, "it's alright, you're just not used to it, we're going to figure this out, don't feel discouraged", he paused and looked off to the side,"it'll take some time to get used to. Besides I have a good idea, can you create smoke?"

Minho just shrugged, "I-I don't think so..maybe I can't make fire", he looked up at Hyunjin. The other boy instantly smiled, "Why don't you try making wind then, let's just see what happens", he recommends, sitting down all the way.

The brunette smiled and nodded. He exhaled before closing his eyes and concentrating, after a few seconds the wind picks up, it gets stronger, sending the leaves up into the air, some hitting Hyunjin in the face, he opens his eyes after the twigs in front of him fly away and everything stops.

"Did it work?", he asked looking a Hyunjin. The boy wiped his face and pulled a leaf from his hair, "it did, you can create wind thats amazing,"he said enthusiastically, "I cant wait to find out more about you, Minho", he smiles.

The brunette laughed a bit before his eyes widen, he stands up quickly,"Hyunjin lets go to the library", he dusts himself off before starting to walk away.

Hyunjin's eyes widen when he sees Minho walking quickly,he jumps up and follows him, dusting himself off as well, "the library? Why? Is something wrong?"

"Maybe we can find something about me there"

Hyunjin slapped his forehead, of course, why hasn't he thought of that, "thats actually a good idea".

"There's one near here, I know a shortcut", the older said underbreath, still walking ahead of HYunjin. After a few minutes they arrive at the local library which of course is nearly completely empty, especially since its saturday.

The pair step through the wooden doors and look at the signs with furrowed brows, "I..uh do you know anything about powers and stuff? Like where you'd find books on them?", Minho asked, turning to look at him.

The latter shrugged a bit, "I don't know too much about them but I do know that theyre also known as 'supernatural abilities' and..I think you might want to look",he paused to scan the signs again then he spots the sign, "maybe in the fictional sections, mythology?".

Minho began to walk to the section, Hyunjin by his side as they turned into the empty isle, he walked around a table in the middle of the isle when he saw a sign that said 'Supernatural'. "Wow, there's so many books Minho, maybe they can help you learn how to control them",the boy grabbed a books from the shelf and skimmed the pages,"we could take everything from these books and start practicing".

"H-hyunjin could..could you not speak so loud",Minho mumbled, looking around nervously and crossing his arms over his chest.

"Sorry, yeah of course".

They grabbed a few books and moved to the table they walked past. After settling in the seats they flipped through books, looking for something, anything really, that made sense. "Hey, Minho, can i ask you something?", the younger says softly, turning to him.

The latter nodded, waiting for his question, "I wanted to know if you know about your family history? Your parents..if they ever had any abilities like yours, typically things like this run in families, just like any gene would".

"I don't know much about my family, i was raised by my grandma, and my parents died when I was young".

Hyunjin watched him, listening intently, his lip twitched a bit and he looked down.

 Even though his parents were shitty at least they were here, living, he felt bad for asking. 

"I'm sorry to hear that..I'll stop asking now Im sorry for bringing it up. Um do you know what type of ability you want to improve on? Your wind, fire, water , your power itself? I don't know there's just so much"

Minho doesn't answer his question he turns back to the book in front of him, "It's okay I'm not uncomfortable, you didn't know. Look at this",he pushed the book over to him a bit.

Hyunjin looked at the page, reading. "I dont think i can make anything, maybe I can just control things that are already there."

"Telekinetic, psychokinetic and telepathic energy and power..",Hyunjin mumbled, reading the heading of the page.", he looks up and raises his eyebrows and smiled," I think you're right, this sounds exactly like whats been going on, so you're someone who can manipulate existing energy. I think you have a really good chance at honing your power and becoming stronger".

The brunette smiled softly, looking at the other stuff on the page,"Maybe".

Hyunjin looks at Minho with encouragement, pure passion in his eyes, he excited for this, even if he isn't the one with the powers its amazing that they even exist, "I think you can do it, you just need to keep on practicing and..I want to be there when it happens, i could even help you if youd like",he said in a questioning tone.

The brunette nodded and looked over at Hyunjin as he spoke.

"Hey, do you have to go home or anything?"

Minho shook his head, closing a book, "I have nothing, do you?"

The younger shook his head as well, "No, I don't have anything to do either, let's just keep reading then I'll walk you home when you want", he hummed, flipping a page.

The brunette grabbed another book from the shelf and handed it to Hyunjin before grabbing his own. 

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