chapter 2

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"This is where you live?" Jungkook walked into the large warehouse, looking around approvingly. "It's an upgrade."

"Yeah, well, got it for cheap. I turn it into a club to pay for rent."

"A club?" Jungkook frowned, noticing how empty the bottom floor was. 

"Yeah. I sell watered down alcohol and play loud music. People pay to get in." Namjoon shrugged, tossing Jungkook a pair of keys. "There's a room upstairs for you. Your clothes are in there too. You know, I borrowed some shit."

"I hate you." Jungkook rolled his eyes, catching the keys and walking up the stairs. 

"You weren't using it." Namjoon yelled out. 

Jungkook chuckled as he entered his room, the bed made and the closet slightly open. He opened the closet with bemused smile. All his clothes were in there, and he rustled past them till he found one appropriate. He grabbed a sleek waistcoat and trousers, changing out of his 4-year old clothes. 

He walked down the stairs and spotted Namjoon scrolling on his phone mindlessly. 

"When do they get here?" Jungkook asked, sitting next to Namjoon. 

"10 minutes." Namjoon said, not looking up. "You're sure about this plan, right?"

"Of course." Jungkook frowned, "Why?"

"I don't know, aren't you on parole?"

"You want to wait a while." Jungkook asked, and Namjoon shrugged. 

"Well, yeah, why not?"

"Because I come out from prison after 4 years and see that my partner is running a club and selling shitty vodka." Jungkook said, and Namjoon finally met his eyes. "So, no, I don't want to wait."

"Alright." Namjoon relented, sighing. "Shitty vodka was harsh." 

"Sorry." Jungkook grinned. The bell rung, and Jungkook got up, heading to the door. 

"Shit, you're really out, huh?" Min Yoongi cracked a wide smile from the doorway, giving Jungkook a quick hug. 

"Really am." Jungkook smiled back. 

"Oh, god, it'll be good to work with proper criminals again." Yoongi sighed, sitting down next to Namjoon. "What's up Joon? Nice place."

"Mhm, thanks." Namjoon nodded.

The bell rung once more, and Jungkook went to receive the guests again. This time, three men were standing at the door together, and Jungkook couldn't help but beam at them. It had been a long time. 

"Thank god you're back." Jung Hoseok shrugged off his jacket, clasping Jungkook on the shoulder. 

"For real," Kim Seokjin added, "Our skills were going to waste."

"How was prison?" Kim Taehyung gave him a teasing smile, and Jungkook shot him a glare. 

"You want to be in on this or no?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow, and Taehyung surrendered, laughing. 

"Who are we waiting on?" Yoongi called out, as the 6 men sat together on the sofas. 

"What, you don't think we're enough?" Taehyung looked around confusedly. 

"Well, I do." Yoongi said, "But, Kook has been looking expectantly at the door for the past 20 minutes, so I'm assuming someone's left." 

"Yeah." Namjoon nodded, "We got a new lifter." 

"Oh, fun." Taehyung nodded approvingly, "At least we got rid of that jackass from last time."

Finally, the bell rung, and Jungkook strolled over to the door once more, opening it to see Jimin, his skateboard lying next to him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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