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[season 1, episode 6]

Everything was good. Everything was. If you considered running out of a building while it blew up to be fine, then yes, it was fine. Elouise- better known as El by her friends- did not consider it okay, but she had to. Jo always acted like everything was fine- even though it wasn't, and that annoyed Elouise to no end- but it seemed to calm Mia down and that was all that mattered at that moment.

Somehow everyone in their group had made it to the cars without being bitten, scratched, or killed, minus Jacqui who decided it was time for her suffering to end and stayed in the CDC building. Elouise was pulled down to the ground and felt a body hovering above hers, she assumed it was just Jo. She felt Jo cover her ears for her, which gave her the idea to cover Mia's ears as the explosion sounded.

"Up, up, up! Go! Hurry, get to the car!! We gotta go now!" Jo yelled as she grabbed Elouise's collar and pulled her up.

She winced as she almost toppled over again. Her legs gained the last strength she could mutter and she ran. She jumped over the walker bodies, trying not to faceplant. One arm supported Mia's body and the other held her face to Elouise's shoulder, so she wouldn't have to see the dangers they faced. Elouise rushed as she ripped the door to their suburban open and jumped into the passenger door. She closed the door with a surprising amount of speed. She turned to Jo, who had just gotten into the car: "Thank you,"

"Are you guys alright?" Jo asked breathlessly. "Did everyone get out?"

Elouise took a second to think but realized she didn't even have a second to spare. "I have Mia. I think I saw everyone get out, except for Jacqui." She muttered the last part. "I saw Fey jump into Shane's jeep, so she's fine."

"Good. We need to go." Jo started the car and sped to catch up with the cars that had already started driving away.

"Where are we going?" Mia's small voice squeaked out, from Elouise's lap.

"Hopefully somewhere safe, baby. Somewhere better. I promise." Mia looked up to Elouise and raised her pinky, which Elouise hesitantly agreed to. She put no thought intro having Mia in her car seat. Who would when you were running away from walkers and an explosion? "Somewhere safe," She whispered one last time before looking out the window as the city started to disappear.

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