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[season 2, episode 2]


Elouise sat in the trunk of the suburban, swinging her legs as she watched T-Dog and Dale scavenge. Mia had fallen asleep in the car previously, letting Elouise a moment to herself.

"Shouldn't they be back by now?" T-Dog asked.

Dale sighed. "It's still light out." He explained. "Let's not worry just yet."

"How're you feeling, T-Dog?" Dale finished whatever he was doing at that car, and headed over to RV, grabbing his rifle as he walked. Dale got no answer, so he continued, "I asked you how you were feeling just now. Don't blow me off."

T-Dog hesitated for a moment before answering. "It really, really hurts. Bad. It's throbbing something awful."

T-Dog held out his wrist for Dale to examine. Elouise jumped down from the car and walked over to them. T-Dog screamed out as Dale accidentally touched his wound. "D-don't touch it! Don't touch it!"

"That does not look good. What'do we do?" Elouise asked, directing her question at Dale.

"His veins are discolored. You gotta hell 'uva infection. You could die from blood poisoning."

T-Dog started laughing in his demise. "Ha, ha, the world has gone to shit. The dead eat the living, and Theodore Douglas goes out by blood infection. What a way to die."

"I've been saying this since yesterday. We need to find you some antibiotics. We've been ransacking these cars this whole time, we're bound to find some.I can't believe we haven't found any ampicillen or anything. Can you?"


"We just haven't been through enough."

"We'll find some. I'll start looking through and I'll double check out med stash, okay? We'll find some, T-Dog. And then you can get back to doing everything else." Elouise comforted and patted his shoulder before she took off to the suburban.

Elouise opened the glove box to the suburban to look through their med stash again. She had gone through it plenty of times these past few days. But what of the chance she missed antibiotics that could save T-Dog's life? "Ibuprofen, Tylenol, god damn it!" She cried out in frustration, but shut herself up quickly when she remmebered Mia was asleep a few feet away.

She gave up quickly and returned to Dale and T-Dog at the RV, sitting down next to them. "Nothing. Nothing. Can you believe that?"

T-Dog offered her a smoke, to which she refused. "What are we doing?"

"Scavenging supplies?" Dale offered.

"No, like, what are we doing? A group off in the woods lookin' for a little girl, and we're just here. Doing what? Why? 'Cause they think we're the weakest.What are you, 70?"

"64," Dale corrected.

"And I'm the one black guy. Realize how precarious that makes my situation? Elouise's just a black teen with a kid to look after."

Dale looked confused or a second, "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Guys," Elouise whispered hesitantly.

T-Dog explained further. "I'm talking about two good-old-boy cowboy sheriffs and a redneck who's brother cut off his own hand because I dropped a key. Who in that scenario you think is gonna be the first to get lynched?"

"You can't be serious. Am I- hey! Am I missing something?! Did something happen? Those cowboys haven done right by us. Have they not? And that redneck too. To save your ass- more than once."

"I mean, I like Rick, Shane's a little off-putting, but... I'm not gonna say I wasn't scared of them when i first met them. Hated Merle, I guess Daryl hasn't done anything too bad." Elouise said as she thought out loud.

"Don't forget Andrea. Kills her own sister." T-Dog said as he took another drag from his cigarette.

"She was already dead."

T-Dog proceeded to yell as Dale shushed him. "We're not leaving, T-Dog! Jo is still out there, the group is still out there! Why would you say that? How- how could you even suggest that!?" Elouise stood up in awe.

Dale put his hand to T-Dog's head. "You're burning up!" He gave him some ibuprofen to help with the fever while Elouise took a minute to calm down.

By then, Mia had woken up and called for Elouise. When Elouise returned to the RV with Mia, the group had made ti back, minus Rick, Shane, Carl, and Lori, which was weird to Elouise.

"I don't know, Dale! I wasn't there!" Glenn yelld as he raised his hands above his head in exasperation. "All I know is this chick rode out of nowhere like Zorro on a horse and took Lori."

"You let her?"

"Climb down out of my asshole, man. Rick sent her. She knew Rick's name and Carl's." Daryl said as he passed Daryl.

"Ok, I definitely missed some key info here." Elouise sighed.

"Lori climbed on the back of a horse with some rando chick because she said Carl had been shot, yeah."

"Got it. So, what are we going to do?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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