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[season 2, episode 1]


"C'mon, baby. Put the hose in the tank," Elouise instructed Mia. "Perfect, there you go, now I do my part, and we get gas."

The group had stopped. A momentary pause in their journey to a new location. Fort Benning, Shane had said, was their best bet. 125 gruesome miles, not that it helped in the Georgia heat- besides all the other factors of walkers, walkers, and more walkers.

Most were focused on getting gas and scavenging supplies from the few littered cars. Jo was wandering, scavenging and plunging her knife into any walker's skull, even the ones who had already been dispatched.

"Jo, you can quit that," Elouise sounded for her.

Jo paused and took a breath. "I-I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. I just... I wish things were back to normal."

Elouise empathized with her and nodded. "Don't we all. Why don't you help Carol sort the stuff into the remaining cars?" Jo needed something to do or else her mind wandered and went to dark places it shouldn't.

After Elouise had finally collected the gas she could, she guided Mia to the suburban to buckle into her car seat.

The group only had 4 vehicles left- Daryl's motorcycle, Dale's RV, Carol's Cherokee, and Jo's suburban. They had ditched the others when gas got harder and harder to find. The suburban was big enough to fit Jo, Elouise, Mia, T-Dog, and space for Fey's kennel along with any extra supplies the group needed to be stored. As they all hopped into their cars, they all took one last look at the rest stop before driving off.

"Elly, Elly, Elly, you're smelly" Mia teased through a sing-song voice as she babbled and fidgeted with her shirt.

"I don't see you looking like you just took a bath either, little missy."

"Alright, alright, you two." Jo settled the peace.




"Mia," She continued and before they knew it, the long drive and the chitter chatter knocked the toddler out. Which wasn't a bad thing for several reasons. One, T-Dog was tired of the back and forth of the two, not that he would admit it out loud. And two, the cars ahead slowed to a stop, both Jo and Elouise hated when Mia could tell things weren't going right.

Daryl had looped back to tell them all there were a lot of cars in the way, possibly stopping the RV from getting through.

The line of cars started slowly approaching the car block and weaving their way through before it stopped again. As they all got out of the car, not risking leaving Mia in there, Jo took her out and held the sleeping toddler in her arms.

The group congregated around the RV as it had blown its hose, again. "If you can't find a radiator hose here, there's a whole bunch of stuff we can find," Daryl spoke.

T-Dog spoke as he started looking around: "I could siphon some more gas for a start."

"Maybe some food,"

"Or water," Others spoke.

"This is a graveyard," Lori observed. "I don't know how I feel about this."

Jo passed Mia to Elouise so they could start searching for supplies. Elouise decided to supervise the kids scavenging. She peeked in and out of cars, Mia resting on her hip. Every once in a while she would find a live walker- strapped into their car- that she would have to steer away from.

As she sorted through a car's trunk, she seemed to hit the jackpot. "Damn, dog stuff and baby supplies, now that's a score." She shuffled through the supplies, noting that Carl had run back to his mom with a leather case of some sort while Sophia started checking out the car with her.

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