I know , i miss you too

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Jeonghan's POV
To say I was missing him would be an understatement, i just ughh it's difficult pretending I m alright while I m just dying to be in his arms and kiss him senseless .
And the fact that I know he isn't doing well is bothering me alot .
He had a panic attack again , after all these years . And i know he isn't sleep well too bcoz i could tell how exhausted and tired he sounded .
My baby , only if I could teleport and be there for him .
He tells me that it's fine , i don't have to worry and just enjoy the vacation but how could I possibly do that ?
When my mind and heart are stuck in him all the time . Only if he was here with us too . The kids also miss him so much i could see through them ,
U have to be strong jeonghan , for him and for the others . I'll video call him tonight and help him sleep and i hope it works bcoz it has to .
"Hannie go shower , don't overthink" his msg , huh??? How did this guy know , oh lord he knows me like back of his hand . I fcking love him
"Yes captain" I replied
"Cute , now go" i blushed , this idiot . Always knows how to make me smile.
"Going going , take care cheollie"
"U too take care love"
Guess I have to drag myself to shower
That was short i agree
It was Jeonghan's pov abt the whole thing

Missing you ~ jeongcheol Where stories live. Discover now