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Artemis Blaze. That's my name. I'm a girl living in the kingdom of Iolanthe. We are ruled by our king and queen, Arthur and Clarity Chrysalis. Everyone in our kingdom has Ice attributes and 5 ranks of control in our system.

Rank 5:

Indigent. Indigent has the weakest control in our system. They can't meddle in official work and are seen as the poorest rank in our society.

Rank 4:

Quotidian. Quotidians are the second rank and are considered ordinary. They don't have that much control as they are in the middle. They are not strong, but they are also not weak.

Rank 3:

Unorthodox. Unorthodox people are mostly what the kingdom hires for their castle guards. They have the power to protect the kingdom and have access to the equipment/weapon area.

Rank 2:

Prosperous, Prosperous are people who are next to royalty, they are the people that the royals trust so much, and they are also the people who mostly get invited to the palace.

Rank 1:

Imperial-noble, Imperial Nobles were the Highest Rank of control in the whole society, they were the royalties. The Royal Family here in Iolanthe currently has 5 members and a missing daughter.

Every 3 years, Astrology Academy chooses 50 children from the ranks of Indigent and Quotidians to join them, 

the 50 children they pick comes from the Five different cities that divide us all, they are, Freevale is the kingdom of all the fire attributers, 

Aerothorn is the home of the wind attributers, 

Etheria is the Earth kingdom, Wyvorn is the place of water attributes, 

and lastly Iolanthe the home of the Ice attributers.

Freevale is also the home of the last family of Phoenix, their king has been ruling for over 50 years and people are expecting his oldest son to rule soon since the king has fallen sick, 

Prince Hans is the heir to the throne, Prince Dylan is the second and he is loved by all not because he's handsome but also because of his snob attitude and his intelligence.

Aerothorn is the home of the only Pegasus in our world, the Pegasus is the symbol of their freedom and kindness, they are the least violent out of the five kingdoms, and their leaders,

King Zander III and Queen Valerie II have 2 sons and a pair of twins, Prince Akio is the heir to the throne, 

Prince Damian and Prince Raiden are the twins, 

and lastly Prince Xavier is the youngest son of the king and queen.

Etheria is the home of the rare species of elves and Fairies, it also has a common population of humans that has no attributes whatsoever. 

Fun fact: only 50% of people in Etheria actually have earth attributes, people who didn't get their attributes go to Etheria, it doesn't matter what kingdom they were in. King Asterion and Queen Bella, they have 4 daughters and a son, 

Princess Daphne is the oldest and next in line to the throne, and Princess River is the second and is currently dating Lord Avilion a son of a prosperous who is very close to the king and queen,

Princess Avery is the third daughter of the king and queen, she's currently the most powerful of all her siblings because other than her Earth attribute she also has healing powers, 

Princess Everest is the twin of Princess Avery amongst the sisters, she's the one taking care of her little brother, she's a responsible 18-year-old girl taking care of her little brother, 

lastly is Prince Myles the king and queen's youngest child, he is 5 years old and turning 6.

Wyvorn is the place where you can see rare marine life and mermaids, half of the people there are merpeople, they are the people that turn into a mermaid when they touch the water. 

King Xavion and Queen Peyton are the rulers of the kingdom, and they have 3 children, Prince Ethan is the firstborn and the most favored, Prince Vladimir is the second and the smartest, and Princess Raven is the last and the most competitive.

Iolanthe is the home of the rarest living dragon on the planet which is the Kuraokami, a legendary dragon that lives in the dungeon of the palace, this is also the place where I live, Our kingdom is also the place where you can see Polar bears, the northern lights, white foxes, wolves, and it also has the best view of the other kingdoms. 

King Arthur and Queen Clarity has 6 children, First is Prince Sean, who is loved by many because of his kindness and his handsomeness and by the way he's the crown prince, 

Next is Prince Wynn, who's the smartest and he's the one who mostly does new inventions for our kingdom, 

Prince Hugo is the fifth, he usually visits the town and help the people as much as he can, that's also the reason why we became friends, he was always and I meant always at the part of town where I live, so when he noticed I was always there he thought I was a stalker then yeah after that we became friends, 

Princess Melody is the third and she is known to be very pretty and does a lot of designing, she was the reason why our kingdom is so pretty with crystal blue lights, she was the one who designed it all, 

the fouth is Princess Sage and she is mostly called the Fashion Queen and the only girl that can see other people's future, 

Princess Aurora is the lost princess, it was rumored that she was kidnapped by a bunch of unknown people, 

Prince Wynn has been working on a new device which can find someone with royalty blood, she was kidnapped the day after she was born.

Astrology Academy is now choosing 10 children per kingdom, so now people will finally know my name. 


A/N: So I guess it's safe to say that I will probably update every Friday or so, but I'm not keeping any promises 😔, love you all so much! Stay healthy and positiveeee!!!

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