- Entrance Exam -

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Chapter 1 (The entrance exam)

(Artemis P.O.V)

"No! You can't go," Skylar cried and I giggled,

"Sky come on, this is for the greater good, ever since my own Mom and Dad died, your parents have been treating me like their own daughter, so I want to help them," I said and hugged my best friend,

"But you'll be gone for far too long, so now I can't see Prince Hugo every day," She said and I looked at her in disbelief,

"You seriously like him? He's not even that good-looking," I said and Skylar looked at me with a shocked face,

"What do you mean not good-looking?! Are you freakin crazy?? He's the most perfect guy anyone could ever see, and plus I do not like him! I like him as a friend!" Skylar bursted,

"Okay 'as a friend' like I believe you," I said and rolled my eyes,

"Hey Art," I heard someone say from behind me and I immediately groaned,

"Hey... Hugo," I said and turned around to face him,

"Hey Skylar," He greeted,

"Hey Prince Hugo," Skylar greeted back,

"Art, I just came here to say good luck, and to remind you that I am also studying there so, better not get tired by my handsome face," He said arrogantly,

"Oh, come-" "Everyone that wants to try out for Astrology Academy, come here now!" someone yelled, cutting our conversation short,

"Welp, that's my cue, bye Sky! and goodbye to you ugly," I said to the both of them, and ran off smiling mischievously.

I took a deep breath, 'OK Artemis, this is such a big day for you, don't mess it up, you have been practicing for years, and you can't-' "DUCK" someone yelled, making me cut my thoughts short, I ducked down and an Ice shard came flying over my head,

"Sorry, that was my friend," Someone said to me, and I turned around to see a pretty girl,

"Oh no, it's fine," I said,

"I'm Winter, and the person who threw the ice shard is Mint, her twin Minty is over at the front," She said and I laughed awkwardly, 'Ok she's so overly welcoming, this is weird,' I thought, and just smiled at her,

"I'm Artemis, you can call me Art or just Artemis," I said and smiled at her,

"You have such a pretty name," She said and called her friends over,

"What Rank are you in?" She asked and I looked at her awkwardly,

"I'm an Indigent," I said quietly,

"Us too!" She said energetically,

"Hey, did you know?-" "Number 57!" Someone yelled, cutting Mint off,

"Hey! That's my number, sorry, got to go," Mint said, and I just looked at her weirdly,

"You aren't really the social type aren't you?" Winter asked, and I nodded,

"No it's fine it must be weird for you," She said and I smiled at her, after maybe a few minutes we heard another voice,

"Number 58! Please come forward," said again,

"Oh, that's me! yeah good luck to me guys," Winter said,

"Good luck," I said quietly, and Winter smiled at me, I looked at Minty and she looked at me,

"Don't worry about Winter she's just overly social," Minty said, and I looked at her,

"I can tell," I said and laughed half-heartedly.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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