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Griffin opened his eyes, making the ceiling his first view of the day, he pushed the warm white blankets off his naked bare chest while he stretched.

He moved to the window while he covered his mouth, which widened involuntarily as he yawned, opened it and stared as everything looked normal but inside him his mind barely appreciated whatever was going on. He moved away from the window as he scanned his room as if seeing it for the first time.

The golden wall clock hanging on the white marble wall was ticking, though, it never matched with the time on his black wristwatch. The clock indicated six o'clock morning time, while his wristwatch indicated twelve o'clock noon time. He was very well convinced that one of the devices would never contradict each other, and he constantly made sure they matched.

The whole house was silent for everything family member was asleep. Griffin couldn't believe he was home. The last he could remember was an attack from armed men while he was driven by his mother back home. One of the armed men pulled him out of the car and broke his Nintendo Switch, but when he looked at the table where he kept it, it was fine and perfect. It didn't even have a single crack.

He again rushed to the window as if he had remembered something, he critically looked out of the window and observed everything clearly. This time he saw the gardener, Mr. flower, with his secateurs pruning the roses which fenced the fountain in the compound.

He looked at him and waved with extreme joy, then he continued with his work while whistling softly. As he was still confused his mother entered the room bringing him back to his senses.

“Griffin,” his mother called him gently

“Next time you try to knock, I bet it tastes nice for your eyes to see me naked.

However, his mother, seemed not to mind his words. Instead she stepped forward and hugged him while she carried.

“One month, only one,” she burst in tears.

The sickness never hurt Griffin as the way everyone was looking at him with pity in their eyes, that only, made him feel like a walking dead. Though he never saw what he looked like, he was pale, thin and his were like entering his head anytime. In him, he was optimistic about living more years.

His mother rubbed her eyes, then sat on his bed and stared at him while she smiled.

“What can I do for you to make you happy?” Monica inquired.

“Answers, mother I just need to know who my father was, why I am not allowed to post my mother on social media, why we are staying in this monster's house and lastly,” he swallowed '' why you are acting like nothing happened yesterday?”  Griffin finished talking as he breathed hard.

“Well, here is what you have to know” she let out a gigantic sigh as she covered her face in her palms.

“ Dismiss all what I have been telling you in the past years that your father was or is a soldier somewhere, I was deceiving, you have no father”

“Seriously! Mother, were you raped or….” Griffin intervened as his mother cut him short before he could complete his query.

“ Eighteen years ago, I was a nun at a certain cathedral in Italy, then it was a night when l was from reciting the rosary with other nuns, then I felt a knot in my stomach which I didn't take serious later on the following day I vomited excessively. When the cathedral carried out a medical check up they discovered that I was pregnant and the punishments those days were very harsh and cruel”.

“So, why didn't they punish you?”

Monica swallowed and continued talking.

“ Some two people helped me to escape the Cathedral, it was a father and a nun, our leader that time. Though it turned out that they were not what I thought they were, and the church was not what I thought it was, my saviors were British spies and the church was a huge sight for terrible experiments. They, my helpers, knew that I was going to be pregnant, they knew it that the pregnancy was going to come they even said it had delayed, but I never got in sexual activity with anyone.”

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