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On Monday I woke up at 5 am because Bean was scratching my door non-stop. He pleaded and meowed to be let out. He was ready to have his breakfast but I wasn't ready to get up and start my day.

"Just wait an hour Bean. You won't starve." I groaned and turned my back to him but that didn't stop my cat. It never did.

He jumped on the bed and continued meowing until I had enough and realized there's no way I would be able to fall back asleep now. So I accepted my defeat and got up to feed Bean.

"There you go." I whispered sleepily and scratched his ears after I prepared his food. He purred gratefully which made me smile.

By the time the clock hit half past seven I was completely ready for school while everyone else was just starting to wake up.

I sat down on my bed after triple checking that I got everything that I would need for today's classes and scrolled on Pinterest to pass time.

"May! It's time to get up!" My mom knocked on my door like she'd done every morning since I can remember.

"Already up!" I told her and got up from my bed to go downstairs and prepare some food for myself. I hadn't eaten yet because I didn't want to disturb anyone while they were still asleep, but now I was dying to get my daily dose of caffine in me.

"You got ready fast." Mom remarked when she saw me just a few minutes later. She was brewing her morning tea, still in her pajamas.

"Bean woke me up and I wasn't able to go back to sleep after I fed him." I told her about my morning and she just hummed and nodded in understanding.

My phone chimed just as I was about to take a sip of my scortching hot coffee. It was Brie.

Brie ~ theatre nerd🤓
Maeve ~ regular nerd 🤓

theatre nerd 🤓
morning babes
i can't drive u to school
i'm sick

regular nerd 🤓
no worries
i'll catch a ride with kie
get better!
i need u at school!!

"Brie just texted. She says she can't take me to school cause she's sick." I frowned at my phone. I of course told her it's okay but I wasn't looking forward to going to school with my sister.

"Well, I'm sure you can tag along with Kie.' My mom tried to solve the situation. She knew my relationship with my twin became iffy after Caleb's death but she desparately wanted us to get along.

"Yeah...I'm sure." I gave her a slight, not very convincing smile and drank my espresso in one go. It kind of burned my throat but this sensation was just what I needed right now.

"Morning." We heard from the other side of the room and when I turned around I saw Kie descending the stairs, already dressed but not even close to ready.

"Hi." I greeted her at the same time as my mom did. Kie dragged her feet to the table and sat down with a huff. She was sure as hell not a morning person.

"Is it okay if I go to school with you today? Brie's staying home cause she's sick." I asked my sister who looked up when she realized I was talking to her.

"Sure. But you're driving!" Kie jumped at the chance of making me her chaffeur. She never liked driving but since we don't go to school together she often does. So anytime she can make me drive, you better believe she will make me.

"Fine." I saw no point in arguing, I would end up doing it either way. So after another half hour of Kie struggling to get ready we were out the door.

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