What If: Meeting the future child... (Part 2)

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Amidst the magical ambiance of Chaldea, where destinies converged, the joyous reunion of Heroic Spirit EMIYA, Jeanne d'Arc, and their twin daughters, Alisha and Trisha, took an unexpected turn.

As the family celebrated their newfound togetherness, a disturbance emerged. Caster Gilles de Rais, driven by jealousy and resentment, lashed out at EMIYA with a sudden magical assault. The atmosphere shifted, and the once-harmonious scene turned chaotic.

EMIYA, caught off guard by the unexpected attack, swiftly evaded the onslaught. Jeanne, ever the protector, shielded their daughters, her flag raised in defense. The Chaldea servants, including Cu Chulainn and the amused Gilgamesh, reacted with surprise to the sudden turn of events.

Meanwhile, the undercurrent of jealousy within Artoria, amplified by the disturbance, triggered a transformation. Artoria Alter emerged, her demeanor fierce and her eyes ablaze with an unsettling intensity.

Artoria Alter, addressing Jeanne with a cold tone, declared, "Your presence disrupts the order of this realm. I shall put an end to this charade."

Jeanne, bewildered by the sudden aggression, responded, "Artoria, please, this is a misunderstanding. We seek no harm."

As Caster Gilles continued his onslaught fueled by envy, Artoria Alter engaged Jeanne in battle. The clash between the two legendary figures echoed through Chaldea, creating a rift within the once-harmonious space.

Cu, observing the chaos, muttered, "Looks like we've got a full-blown drama unfolding. Never a dull moment in Chaldea."

Gilgamesh, smirking at the unfolding spectacle, remarked, "Jealousy can truly be a catalyst for chaos. Let the drama unfold, my subjects."

As the battle raged on, EMIYA, realizing the source of the conflict, sought to diffuse the situation. Meanwhile, Jeanne, caught between defending her family and reasoning with Artoria Alter, navigated the delicate balance between duty and understanding.

The unexpected disturbance tested the bonds of the heroic family, introducing a conflict that threatened the harmony they had initially found. The clash between Artoria Alter and Jeanne, driven by jealousy and misunderstanding, unfolded as a turbulent chapter within the grand tapestry of Chaldea's extraordinary tale.

To be continued...

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