9) lies of omission

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"Beth" Luna said once she saw her at her locker. "Why aren't you in class" Luna asked once she reached her, but Beth didn't answer her. "Beth" Malia said walking over to her.

"Why are you talking to me" Beth asked. "You don't know me you don't know anything about my condition" Beth said.

"And what's your condition" Luna asked. "My condition, my condition, my condition" Beth said going to leave when Malia stopped her.

"Hey, you don't want to be alone" Malia said and Beth pushed her back surprising Luna before she rushed to Malia and helped her up and Beth ran off.

"Are you kidding me" Malia said. "Come on we can still catch her" Luna said and ran off with Malia going after Beth.

"Beth" Malia said. They stopped once they saw the dread doctor.

Right as Luna used her powers to open the door the dread doctor already killed Beth and before Luna could kill him, he vanished.

Malia and Luna made their way to Beth and Luna saw how upset Malia was and pulled her in shielding her eyes from Beth hugging her.


Luna was leading Malia to her locker prepared to take her home after what she witnessed today while she stayed by her side comforting her every way, she could possible.

Stiles saw them and saw Malia's expression. "Malia" Stiles said and went up to them.

"Hey, hey what happened" Stiles asked taking Malia's hands.

"I hate this I hate losing like this I'm not like Scott I can't deal with another body another failure" Malia said.

"It's okay I got her I'll make sure she gets home" Luna told Stiles and started leading Malia once again once she let go of Stiles's hands as Stiles watched them leave.


Luna took Malia home and led her up to her room before covering her up with a blanket. "You don't have to take care of me" Malia said.

"I know but I want to besides you deserve to have someone looking out for you not just your friends and when you need me, I'm there" Luna said. "I know thanks Luna" Malia said.

"You don't need to thank me I'll always protect you no matter what okay" Luna said and Malia nodded. "Call me if you need me" Luna said and left.


Stiles and Luna eventually made it to the animal clinic once Scott called them. Stiles got out of his jeep and Luna got out of her car and made their way to Scott.

Luna kept noticing the way Scott kept looking at Stiles and could already tell she didn't like it at all.

"Hey sorry I had trouble starting the jeep again that thing's barely holding on I couldn't get in touch with Malia or Lydia" Stiles said. 

"Last I spoke to Malia; I took her home I haven't heard from her since" Luna said.

"Scott" Stiles said noticing Scott being quiet. Instead of saying anything Scott shown a wrench.

"Where'd you get that" Stiles asked Scott. "This is yours" Scott said to Stiles and Stiles took the wrench.

"Why didn't you tell me" Scott asked. "Wait what are you guys talking about" Luna asked confused. "I was going to" Stiles said.

"Why didn't you tell me when it happened" Scott asked. "I couldn't" Stiles said. "You killed him you killed Donovan" Scott asked.  "Well, he was going to kill my dad huh what was I supposed to just let him" Stiles asked.

"You weren't supposed to do this None of us are" Scott said. "You think I had a choice" Stiles asked.

"There's always a choice" Scott said making Luna look at him angry. "Yeah, well I can't do what you can Scott, I know you wouldn't have done it you probably would've just figured something out right" Stiles said. "I'd try" Scott said.

"Yeah, because you're Scott McCall you're the true alpha guess what all of us can't be true alphas some of us have to make mistakes some of us have to get our hands a little bloody sometimes some of us are human" Stiles yelled. "So, you had to kill him" Scott asked.

"Scott he was going to kill my dad" Stiles said. "But the way that it happened there's a point when it's not self-defense anymore" Scott said.

"What are you even talking about" Stiles asked. "I didn't have a choice Scott" Stiles said. "You don't even believe me do you" Stiles asked. "I want to" Scott said.

"Alright okay so then believe me then Scott, say you believe me say it say you believe me" Stiles said.

And before Scott could say anything else Luna used her powers to knock him down. "Don't bother Stiles it's pretty clear he doesn't some drone he is after knowing you for how long"
Luna said

"Luna" Scott said. "Unless you want me to rip out your tongue, I would stay away from me if I were you" Luna said and got in her car and drove off.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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