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Annibell POV:

I'm walking home. It's a peaceful walk, all quiet, with a small nice cool breeze in fall. Everything was nice, yes but... Something wasn't right. I felt like I was being watched, I got slightly uncomfortable and began walking quicker to my house, I finally reached my apartment and immediately locked the door.

Sweating, I went into my bathroom and I began undressing and getting into the nice cool water. After my relaxing shower I got dressed in sweatpants and an oversized gray shirt.

I put my headphones on and began playing music as I cleaned. An hour passed and I finished mopping, dusting, sweeping twenty times, and cleaning my dishes twice each. I flop down onto my bed to see a message from an unknown number.


Unknown: "You look gorgeous today babe"

My stomach turned to the sight of the image that was taken while I was walking home... 'But I was alone...' My thoughts panicked, unable to silence. I ignore the message and go to sleep.

In the morning I woke up, lifting myself from my bed stretching wide followed with a long enjoyable yawn. I put my slippers on and walked into the kitchen making some cereal, noticing a camera...

My eyes widen in shock and fear, 'A camera?! How?! I lock my doors and windows!!' my brain began panicking once more, I grabbed the camera stomping to the balcony throwing the camera out the window before noticing, "Shit that's for my photography classes!!" I run downstairs and out to the camera, the camera was fine, I let out a sigh of relief as it wasn't broke, I walk with the camera back inside looking at the clock, "It's almost time for first period" I groan, I walk into the bathroom brushing my hair and teeth, changing into a better outfit, then doing my hair and make-up, I put my converse on and slid my backpack on.

I grab my keys, and my granola bar same as my lunch, leaving my apartment I lock the door.

Halfway to my classes I grab a coffee from a little coffee shop, this guy made me feel uncomfortable, it felt like he was watching me the whole time I was in line and waiting for my coffee, but I managed to ignore him the whole time I was there until I left, or at least I thought.

I saw the same guy outside entering his car, at least he has a car so I know he isn't some weird stalker, I continued walking to my classes when I saw a car crash.

I ran as fast as I could as people called 911, I opened the door to a car that was flipped over and ruined the most, I pulled out the man before I began to give him CPR noticing he wasn't breathing.

The ambulance came and I helped them get him onto the bed and into the ambulance vehicle, I hopped in trying to make sure he'd be okay. His face was torn open, bruised, blood all over his face, and clothes.

I fell asleep waiting for him to wake up after I told my professor I'd be absent today because of what had happened. I heard a groan and that woke me up immediately. "Sir! How's your head, are you okay?!" I stand up making sure nothing was bothering him. "Where am I..?"

His voice was deep, raspy and grainy, a total turn on, 'No! Get that out of your head he's injured!' I yelled at myself in my head, "You're in the hospital, you were in a car crash and I helped you to the hospital..." I said nervously trying to straighten myself, the man smiled, "Thank you so much for saving my life... I owe you everything..." The man complimented, "Oh sir you don't owe me anything, I was just trying to help." I laughed softly and nervously. "Acheron, my name is Acheron so call me that please. What's yours?" The man chuckled softly to me calling him sir, "Oh, my name is Annibell'' I smile to him, he placed his hand on mine that was resting on the guard rail of the hospital bed before a nurse came in and I took my hand away almost immediately in embarrassment, "Oh you're awake Mr. Lurie! How's your head do you remember anything?" The nurse asked him to check his vital signs, grabbing a small flashlight and checking his eyes. "Yes I remember my name, and how to count, and blah blah, when can I get out. I have a business to run, I can't be absent or my business will go to shit because of my secretary being too full of assignments." Acheron growled, my heart stopped at his more clear, deep, demanding voice. I was in full awe of this man... And I barely knew his name.

"You'll be out when you have no signs of concussion, but you have clear vitals, no broken bones, and the estimated time you should be released is by tonight. So don't worry Mr. Lurie, you'll leave soon enough." The nurse said with a clipboard with papers on it, leaving the room Acheron looked at me once more. "You're a beautiful girl you know that... How old are you? You look not a day older than fifteen" Acheron laughed to himself and my laugh followed his, "Actually I'm 26, I am a senior in college right now, studying to become a businesswoman. That and/or a photographer, or an artist, I know I sound old for college but it's because I had to work to save enough to even go to college." I laugh nervously realizing how much I rambled on about all my interests and majors.

Acheron gave me a smile, "You're a very bright and hard-working girl, I sincerely apologize for taking your time from your studies." He had a gentle voice to me, which made me go red in my cheeks. "Oh it's fine, I chose to stay to make sure you were alright." I gave him a warm smile.

"Alright Mr. Lurie, you can be released. You should be fine, have a nice day, try not to get back here again Mr. Lurie." The nurse laughed, Acheron lifted himself up after the nurse took everything from in his arms. He walked out and filled the release papers, I walked out with him with all my stuff.

"Oh, by the way. Could I get your number so we could probably chat sometime and get to know each other better?" He asked me, I felt like my heart stopped for a minute. "Oh of course!" I smile, taking out a piece of paper, and a pen writing down my number to give to him. "Sorry it isn't my phone at the moment, it's currently dead because I kept it running as I played a game waiting for you to wake up." I chuckled nervously and softly. He took the paper and smiled softly, then leaned down slightly. Our faces are so close, almost touching, he leans slightly closer to where his lips made contact with my cheek, 'chu'... He kissed my cheek, called for a taxi and left...

My heart felt like it was going to explode out of my chest, I cleared my throat and acted like it didn't happen as I realized it was time for lunch. I went to my classes, apologizing for my tardiness, then got a message from an unknown number.


Unknown: "Hello, this is Annibell right? It's Acheron"

And like that, my heart was excited all over again.

Hello my little monsters!! This is our special for Valentine's day! Me and Red hope you enjoy this small part, and we will update one more page today and another one Monday, and next Friday!! If you don't know me, I'm DeiDei:) And to understand what I am talking about please read The Fell of Her Locked Heart, that's mine and Red's first book we are working on, and this is just a little Valentines special series, but we might continue the series if we have the motivation lol anywho, Love you my little monsters and I hope you enjoyed this part! And have a wonderful day/night/afternoon!! MWAH LOVE Y'ALL

- DeiDei<3

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