𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓, forgive and forget

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upon reaching the palace gates, blitzø was met with some unhappy faces. the hellhounds didn't seem too thrilled to see him back, their stern expressions glared at the trespasser. before the imp had a chance to speak, a spear was pressed against his throat. "the prince doesn't want to see you." he growled. blitzø carefully moved the sharp object away from his delicate throat-line before speaking.

"that's no way to treat a guest now is it?" he asked, the hound let out a low growl from his snout. "scram you pest." he snarled, giving the imp one last chance to turn around and walk away.

blitzø tried sweet-talking the guards, along with bribing them with a discount on his business. first kill free. however, this just seemed to tick them off more.

"you're not getting in, so kindly piss off." the hound spoke with his pointy ears pressed flat against his head. he seemed more irritated than before, looking like he would tear the imp to pieces at any given moment.

"i see you guys are busy, i guess i'll come back some other time." blitzø cheerfully said, giving them a business card before starting down the pathway. "don't bother coming back." they flipped him off as blitzø disappeared into the distance.

under the cover of darkness, the slippery imp returned. this reminded him of the first time he broke into the palace through the prince's bedroom window. he scaled up the tall building, making sure to keep his footing as he climbed to the ledge. with the darkness looming over him, blitzø peered inside only to see the owl sleeping soundlessly on his royal bed.

the imp lifted the glass to get inside, trying to be quiet and not disturb the prince with a rude awakening. he climbed inside the dimly lit bedroom and onto the desk full of family heirlooms and whatnot. things were going according to plan until his tail bumped into a large glass vase. he made a valued attempt to catch it, but before he could reach the vase shattered on the floor with a loud crash.

the owl jumped from his slumber and was quick to spot the intruder frozen near his window. "oh it's you." a look of surprise was followed by a more stern expression, stolas wasn't exactly thrilled to see his ex-lover breaking into his home. "what- what are you doing here blitzø."

blitzø swallowed the knot in his throat. "i-uh.. i came to see if we can have a little fun for old times' sake." the imp purred, he may not have been the best with stealth, but he's pretty good at seducing the owl. "what do you say your majesty?" the imp crawled on his bed with a look of longing in his eyes.

usually, this technique would've worked like a charm, leading to a night of kinky fun. but instead of looking enchanted by the imps flirting attempt the owl looked annoyed. "i am not in the mood blitzø, now if you have nothing else to say please show yourself out before i am forced to call security." he crossed his feathered arms across his torso.

blitzø rolled off the prince, dangling his feet from the edge of the bed. stolas wore a puzzled look as he tried to figure out what the imp was planning. "you know stolas.. growing up in the circus i never learned what it meant to.. love someone." the word felt wrong leaving his lips. the owl cocked his head to the side like a confused mutt, trying to figure out what blitzø meant.

he took a deep breath before continuing, "i guess what i'm trying to say is that i miss you. i miss our late-night fucking sessions after a long day of stabbing the fuck out of some shitty humans." his thumbs twirled around one another as words kept flowing out his mouth.

he turned to see the expression on the prince's face, a thin layer of blush dusted over his cheeks. stolas could feel his body becoming more flushed with every word that left the other's lips.

"i miss waking up after a shitty night's sleep and seeing your good morning messages and hundreds of calls." blitzø paused, giving him a soft smile. "i miss you, stolas."

hearing this made stolas feel like an asshole. he thought it was for the best that they stopped seeing each other, but maybe he was wrong about everything.

"then- then why didn't you visit while i was in the hospital?" stolas asked causing the room to be engulfed in a wave of silence. "i blamed myself okay.. if i would've showed up maybe you wouldn't have gotten hurt. it's all my fault." the imp spoke softly, tears forming in the corners of his eyes.

stolas knew he was hurting, the look of pain in his eyes spoke a thousand words. he didn't realize that blitzø blamed himself for the accident, and now he felt awful for pushing him away. the prince relaxed his hand under the other's chin, lifting it slightly.

"it's not your fault blitzy, you did all that you could." at the moment he reminded stolas of an innocent puppy, the way his eyes shimmered in the dim lighting as the prince cupped his chin. how could he possibly stay mad at a face this adorable?

the prince smiled after seeing a small grin creep on the other's lips. "and for what it's worth i missed you too, and i forgive you." in a moment of pure adrenaline, blitzø felt his body move without permission.

leaning forward till his lips connected with the princes. and though they have shared kisses plenty of times before, this time just felt different. the gentle motion wasn't out of fueled lust or lewd intent. the reason was quite odd for the imp, instead of acting out of repressed sexual desire, this was sweet and soft. he just wanted to kiss him.

blitzø didn't quite understand why he felt so compelled to kiss the owl. but slowly he realized he may want to be more than just friends who occasionally fuck on the side. he cared for the prince and hated seeing him hurt.

he figured it was now or never. he may have been drunk but his mind felt clearer than ever. when the imp pulled away there was a moment of silence that flooded the room. the prince wore a look of confusion, expecting much more than just a simple kiss.

the imp took a deep breath, "stolas, there's something that i've wanted to say for a while now but never had the balls to go through with.." he paused, trying to find the right words to go through with it. "go on, what is it?" the prince asked, noticing the prolonged silence that filled the room.

"fuck this is going to sound corny as hell.." blitzø muttered under his breath. the owl tilted his head to the side like a confused puppy, not understanding what the imp was implying.

"stolas, we've known each other ever since we were kids. and though i hadn't realized back then that i may have fallen for you." he continued, waiting to see if the owl would catch on anytime soon. but instead, the confused look remained on his face for a couple seconds until the imp spoke up again.

"oh for fuck sake what i'm trying to say is that i lov-" a loud bang filled the room as the door was almost ripped off its hinges. catching both of them off guard as the hellhounds stormed the room with their weapons drawn."sir we heard something fall, is everything alright-"

𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, stolitzWhere stories live. Discover now